Nah, probably does it for free due to his (very poorly concealed) ideology.
And is almost certainly a cisgender, heterosexual male, and my bet is that they’re actually Mormon.
Nah, probably does it for free due to his (very poorly concealed) ideology.
And is almost certainly a cisgender, heterosexual male, and my bet is that they’re actually Mormon.
Meanwhile, I can’t, for the life of me, understand why anyone would want to be communist rather than being a libertarian socialist or anarchist. Unless they think that they’re the ones that will be telling people what to do, rather than be the ones getting told what to do?
The election is going to be tight. Right now, Harris leads very, very slightly, by about three points. FiveThirtyEight placed the odds at about 53-47 as of yesterday (and they’re historically pretty good). Trump got his ass handed to him at the last debate, and he knows it. Unless he was able to git gud really fast, a 2nd debate would not improve his chances. Yes, he looks weak by not taking it on Fox of all places, but that’s better than taking it an doing just as badly a 2nd time. There’s almost no upside to him accepting an invitation to a debate.
Trump is also incredibly egotistical. He wants to be on stage, and he thinks that he’s good at debating. He wants to be seen; he needs to be seen. Turning down free publicity to present himself first–and his policies a distant second–on a national television program witnessed by millions of people, that’s gotta hurt him.
Oh, I think I’ve seen this webcomic. Hold on, let me see if I can find it again…
A 2" wide straps is supposed to fail at about 10,000 pounds/4500kg of static load. The nylon strap will fail long before the metal hardware does, and the roof is going to fail before either of those do. If a large enough object fell on the strap, the most probable scenario is that the strap would end up acting like a wire cutter to the roof.
Why would he care? He gets paid either way, so he’s not going to give a fuck. Now, change the law so that he has liability…
I have been. I get contacted fairly regularly for polls.
Does anyone else remember Halford’s solo album, Fight?
Was I the only one that bought that when it came out?
“We need to be clear about what our goals are,” Sawant said in a speech on Sunday in Dearborn, Michigan. “We are not in a position to win the White House.
“But we do have a real opportunity to win something historic. We could deny Kamala Harris the state of Michigan. And the polls show that most likely Harris cannot win the election without Michigan.”
So the goal is “fighting to defeat Harris, not just symbolically but in reality,” Sawant said. “This is ground zero to punish Kamala Harris and defeat her.”
If you admit Stein can’t win, and you claim Harris must be defeated, then you’re working to elect Donald Trump.
My dude.
Did you even read this before you posted it? You’ve just shown your hand. You consistently shill for Stein. Therefore, knowing that Stein can not win the election, you are working for Trump. Which, well, since the communities you’ve created and moderate are entirely in-line with far-right conservative Mormon politics, is pretty on-brand.
“Socialist Mormon Satanist”, aka UniversalMonk.
No, you’re not. You’re not any of the above.
I was raised Mormon, and I am an RM. I’m a Ricks College–now BYU-I–alumn. I had my records removed almost 20 years ago, was a born-again, evangelical atheist for a while, and I’ve been an active and open Satanist for the last 10.
Your online presence and words scream “active Mormon”, not Satanist, or socialist. The things you promote–racism, misogyny, far-right ideology (such as, for instance, all the Ricks College garbage)–are in-line with both historical Mormonism as well as contemporary practices.
DeSantis thought it would be political, not DeSantis knew it would be political. Take the goddamn call, and then if it’s not something that actively helps the people of your state, end it.
…Unless, of course, the “political” aspect that DeSantis was worried about was that Biden and/or Harris would actually do something that would be helpful for Floridians, and therefore that would harm his political ambitions in some nebulous way. E.g., he didn’t want them to be able to do something that was actually part of the job of being president and/or vice president, and also didn’t want to do his job as governor.
Again: Kemp is doing this the smart way. He’s getting the help from the feds, and he’s delivering it to the people in Georgia (…even as MTG and Clyde have voted against FEMA funding, which is esp. dumb since Clyde’s district was one of the ones in GA that got hammered…); Kemp comes out looking good, like he cares about people and getting shit done, instead of looking petty and uncaring.
Is that really improbable?
Yes, it really is.
Public defenders do what they do because they love it, and they believe that it’s important. Pretty much everyone that works as a public defender could make far, far more money in private practice, with a much lighter case load. These are largely people that are ideologically motivated. So yes, it’s highly improbable that a public defender is not only going to fuck their client over–which would be a breach of their ethical duty already–but would then go on to commit an offense that could see them disbarred.
They may not always be effective due to their caseloads, but it would be very rare to find one that’s malicious.
Refusing to take the call from someone that has some measure of power over FEMA and the federal response to a natural disaster, ESPECIALLY while campaigning with a guy that plans to cut those emergency funds, is putting political ambitions over people. He’s making it more difficult for the fed. gov’t to coordinate a response by dodging calls because he doesn’t think it looks good. That’s a dumb move.
Kemp, in Georgia, has the right way of doing it. He’s talking to Biden and Harris while coordinating recovery, while still staying on good terms with Trump. Kemp is playing both sides, and making sure that people in Georgia are getting the help they need.
Whoa whoa whoa, I thought Republicans were all in favor of zero censorship…?
Reputable sources have indicated that DeSantis did refuse a call from Harris because he believed it to be political in nature.
…Which means he’s playing politics with the citizens of Florida.
That scenario is so improbable that, without any evidence other than an incoherent post on NSQ, no one can reasonably claim that’s what’s going on.
…Because? That’s like asking why people climb Kilimanjaro, or K2. Because you want to know if you can.
And it turns out I can, it is kind of boring, and makes me feel carsick.
But the defender has absolutely no power to jail the mother. Effective threats and blackmail require you to have some kind of ability to follow through on some level, and a public defender doesn’t.
Moreover, there are very few that would, since attempting to do that to a client would likely be some form of gross misconduct that could get you sanctioned or disbarred.
This should explain it. Well, visually, at least.
No, you don’t get to gaslight me by saying you believe one thing while acting in the opposite manner. Or, more correctly, you can try, but it’s transparent to everyone.
You started are the sole moderator and poster of both a red-pill community, and a “transracial” community which is pretty clearly racist. You push candidates that are known to support the election odds of far-right candidates, and you push deeply socially regressive education institutions. These all add up to a person that is misogynistic, racist, and believes in far-right ideology. Or, in simpler terms, a typical Mormon.
You know everyone can see what you’re posting, right? If you post, for instance, 20 things that are positive for Stein, 10 things critical of Harris, and 1 thing critical of Trump, what’s the trend? That’s a pretty strong pro-Trump trend, since Stein’s own campaign has said that they’re about blocking Harris, and they know they can’t win.
And this? What you’re doing right here? Sea lioning.