• 6 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 7th, 2024


  • Here’s what I don’t get…

    He spends so many decades spewing racist bullshit including having a substancial role in getting 5 completely innocent black men locked up for attacks in central park during the 80s. Despite indisputable evidence that those men had nothing to do with the rape, he STILL said they were released too early.

    Somehow this helps his popularity with his racist base, because they’re racist shitheads too. So they relate to him on that level. He spends 2012-2016 calling Obama a criminal. His base eats it up.

    He spends all of the 2016 campaign calling Hillary a criminal. And Joe Biden’s son a criminal. He prints up all these campaign merch items with the slogan “Lock her up”.

    He spends all of the 2016 election calling all mexicans low class criminals who only want to jump the border to sell drugs, and murder babies.

    Everything I’ve said has polled well with his base. Because his base is open and willing to say they don’t like blacks, and they don’t like mexicans. They willingly believe that being black or mexican makes you a criminal. Their thoughts, not mine btw.

    So, if your entire base looks down on these groups for being criminals, and now your guy is a 34X convicted criminal, then I understand their reaction to just claim the convictions were a fraud. It’s their only coping mechinism, to say the whole thing is a sham.

    Buuuuuut, if you look down on blacks and mexicans “for being criminals”, and you excuse your guy for being a criminal as part of a sham, theeeeeen…why would they be ok with him basically saying “Whats up, homies? Whats up fellow criminals? I’m one of you! Vote for me!”

    Wouldn’t his base be disenfranchised by their guy chumming it up with the groups they look down on? Shouldn’t that go against everything they stand for?

    Again, hypothetically speaking, since all of this is make believe anyways.

  • When I was a teenager, we put vodka into the shamrock shake mix, because “it wasn’t irish enough”.

    Big hit with the local teens who frequented our mall McDonalds. How we got away with no criminal charges, now that I’m thinking about it 20+ years later, I have NO idea. I was 16 at the time. I think even the shift leader was only 19. And no matter what age we were, we were still knowingly selling alcoholic drinks to minors.

    The only one I ever made up an excuse for, is when this mom wanted a shake for her 7 year old. THAT one I was like “Uhhhhhh, ya know what? Our shake machine is actually broken…yep…ignore the employees behind me serving shakes from it right now.”

    She started yelling at me for discriminating against her, and being a lazy employee. Alright. Cool. I’ll take that heat. Because even I wouldn’t serve vodka to a 1st grader. As terrible of a teenager as I was, I guess I still had some limits.

  • The antenna type doesn’t matter. If you don’t have a 1940s antenna, technically you can use a paperclip. It may not be strong enough to recieve the channel depending on local interference, but it might pick up the station with a strong enough signal. And anyone still using a tv with a tuner made before 2005 already has a tunerbox. Back in 2010 my dad even got one for free from the government.

    Tivo never died. They’re still alive. I got mine in 2012. I estimated it takes 3 1/3rd years for it to become worth it to do lifetime service.

    That was 12 years ago. Although I did have to spend $100 on a new hard drive.