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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Fantastic article. Reminds me of a letter that Gandhi wrote to German jews, saying that if they simply were respectable to their oppressors, if they simply were always kind, that the Germans would naturally feel bad for them and stop being so antisemitic. It’s all bullshit. My family insists on respectability politics, and a lot of people in my area do too, although that’s not surprising since I live in a red state. Even have had people at pride say that we shouldn’t pay attention or counterprotest the bigots that yell slurs at us and call us pedophiles. I’ve done away with respectability politics in my own life but I hate having to have family lecture me on why me being disrespectful will simply make the Nazis stick around longer, that really all we need to do is ignore them and they’ll go away or stop being so Nazi. It didn’t work for Jews in the 20s and 30s in Germany, and it won’t work now. Again, great article, I’m gonna share it with my family even if they end up still disagreeing.

  • There’s a great documentary about something similar to this, the pray away the gay movement which is essentially this same thing. It’s Pray Away and it’s on Netflix. It’s fantastic and goes into how many people who are in this super anti-LGBT sphere are in fact members of the community just in deep repression.

    Conversion Therapy is torture. And there’s different intensities of it. I once had a super catholic girlfriend, literally majored in theology at a catholic school in Virginia. The entire time we were together she refused to go to communion or engage in church rituals. Not because she thought the church was shit to queer folk, but because she personally believed that being queer was a sin and that if you are gay you have to be celibate. She genuinely believed that our relationship was inherently sinful, she was constantly trying to “save me” the entire relationship too. Now, she never went to a place to be “converted”, but she was home schooled and was almost always around bigoted Catholics, she believed in the church and what priests and her parents told her so much that she literally majored in it. Just being in a religious community that is bigoted is conversion therapy. It makes you believe the things others say, makes you hate yourself because you’re queer, makes you desperately pray to god to fix you. That is just as much a conversion therapy as being forced to go to a place to “convert you” is.

    Fuck this guy and what he’s done, I hope he knows the harm he’s caused the community and that he knows some of us will not forgive him.

  • He’s been fake crying a lot. Again, last weekend he was fake crying about “being shutdown” and about how “amazing the crew is” and how he loves the crew so much that he views the crew as himself. “I literally think of you all as me” was what he was repeating. His fake tears are the most stereotypical fake tears that you can imagine. Think of what you think of as the worst possible fake tears, and that’s what he was doing.

    People in the news give Alex way too much credit, he’s as terrible as he’s always been and he ALWAYS has ulterior motives. The more people pretend that he’s genuine in any way, the bigger the platform he has to spew his trash.

  • Well, this past weekend, he talked as if it was his last show, that they were “gonna put the padlocks on the building and close us down” and that he knew they were going to do that because his powers told him so, powers from God. They even did a greatest hits with guests like Roger stone, Steve bannon, and Nick Fuentes and best of all, Flat Earth Dave (not really best of all but it was a hell of a segment). They also had actual clips of past times Alex has been, well, Alex. He also pretty clearly got drunk during the show. But this isn’t the end for him. He’ll just go work for his dad doing the exact same thing. As Alex has frequently said, his dad is basically his only sponsor now. So whatever happens to infowars, this isn’t the end of Alex Jones. Even if it should be.

  • Small advice on your Tzatziki, if you want, try draining the yogurt in the cheese cloth for a few hours, it removes a lot of the moisture and significantly thickens it. And if you like lemon, replace the vinegar with the juice of a couple lemons. My yia-yia and papou (grandmother and grandfather in greek if you aren’t also greek) taught my mom how to make it like the food stands in larisa (where my papou grew up) and she taught me.

  • Your title implies that because amazon argues for a 15 dollar minimum wage, just like us leftists do (actually many of us argue for higher now but for the sake of your post, lets stick with 15), that means its a bad thing. I’m genuinely struggling to understand why you thought to post an about article directly from Amazon with your own bs title. Just because a big corporation advocates for the same thing doesn’t mean those things shouldn’t be advocated for. Amazon is also lobbying for the legalization of weed, does that mean that legalization isn’t a good thing? It’s an incredibly flawed argument and if that’s not what you’re saying I’d love to know what you’re actually trying to communicate with this post.

  • I know this is just rescheduling to schedule 3, and that legalization would be preferred. But this is still huge. Millions of people have in their renting lease that they can’t consume schedule 1 drugs inside of their home, and that includes people in legal states. This would allow millions of people to consume weed in their homes without fear of eviction. I was almost evicted once because of my consumption in a medical state, this decision would have saved me so much stress. This is progress, and shows that we can keep pushing towards legalization and that it will impact things even if it takes a little time.

  • This article was written by Douglas Mackinnon. A political consultant who has written for multiple publications including Fox News. Here’s a quick list of article headlines he’s written there: “Latest wave of wokeness to hit west point reveals one simple solution”, “Woke left will erase american history unless we stop them”, “A ‘Star Wars’ story: How can I get a job as a woke ‘activist’?”, “We must speak to save our founding fathers from the woke left”, “Bidens nasa launches new mission to planet woke”, and “Moms for liberty shows spirit that would make the founding fathers proud”.

    If these article headlines haven’t made it obvious, this man is not worth paying attention to. Talk about biden being a bad candidate all you want but don’t use pieces of shit who are focused on “wokeness” to hide their idiocy and bigotry.

    Also, biden is not going to be replaced at the convention. Not gonna happen. But if you’re putting forward the idea of it happening, you better bring with it an idea of who should replace him.

    This article is shit, return2ozma, you can do better.

  • They didn’t just do it for “their team”, they did it for Biden in 2020 too. The campaign had no reason to believe that it was going to be an issue because it never has been before. Should they have probably picked an earlier date? Sure. But, again, they had no reason to think this would be weaponized in the way its being weaponized. We can’t just have people combing through all the election laws in every state in order to pick what date the DNC will be. That’s tens of thousands of laws, often laws that haven’t been used in decades or even laws from over a hundred years ago, the campaign has bigger fish to fry.

    This is similar to the laws that have been used this year to keep several trans candidates from being on the ballot because they didn’t list their deadnames. They were laws that no one had used in decades to the point that there wasn’t even a line for it. Republicans/Fascists pulling tiny laws out of their asses in order to fuck with the election is incredibly difficult to predict.

    We should be focusing on actual important issues and how they should be handled. Issues like abortion, the Palestinian genocide, health care, and human rights for minorities just to name a couple. Those are the issues we need to be challenging the Fascists on because those issues will tip the election.