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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: April 27th, 2024


  • Rekorse@lemmy.dbzer0.comtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldAutomation
    17 hours ago

    I think you might be projecting your own hostility there.

    And you are just hijacking the AI conversation to argue about what the word intelligence means. I thought you wanted to talk about AI thats why I originally replied. When I realized you just wanted to apparently correct the public about their use of your favorite word, I decided this wasnt worth it.

    Its sort of like you went to a bowling forum, and were very excited to discuss the mineral contents of the oil on the bowling lane, but got upset when noone cared to discuss with you because they just want to talk about bowling.

  • Rekorse@lemmy.dbzer0.comtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldAutomation
    1 day ago

    All you are saying is, is that intelligence isnt as smart as we think, that human intelligence is actually pretty dumb. That doesnt change anything about the current situation even if thats true though.

    So we all agree its actually human level intelligence now, what then? Can we stop developing it and do something else now?

  • I agree with this, they made some pretty poor choices and then explained them away by saying they had no choice. The bread was unnecessary, and yes I have kids too. A very picky toddler in fact. You never have to spend a ton on food, they brow beat you because it works, not because they won’t actually eat anything else.

    Its still funny to me that kids are still tricking their parents into thinking they will starve to death if they don’t get exactly the food they ask for.

    This poster wanted pizza, and had expectations of it that weren’t met, but she didn’t have to do it, it wasn’t forced. I think even your example via delivery with little ceasars would make more sense. Or just don’t buy pizza if there’s only expensive pizza near you. Pizza has always been a pricey dinner, only offset by the quantity of food just barely.

    Around us, taco bell can be a great deal (and offers a vegan menu to an extent) as well but really this is more about not having enough time or know-how to reduce costs by cooking simple foods at home. A pack of taco tortillas, rice, beans, and vegetables to mix in is not expensive and makes a ton of food.

  • General AI is a good goal for them because its poorly defined not in spite of it.

    Grifts usually do have vague and shifting goal lines. See star citizen and the parallels between its supporters/detractors vs the same groups with AI: essentially if you personally enjoy/benefit from the system, you will overlook the negatives.

    People are a selfish bunch and once they get a fancy new tool and receive praise for it, they will resist anyone telling them otherwise so they can keep their new tool, and the status they think it gives them (i.e. expert programmer, person who writes elegant emails, person who can create moving art, etc.)

    AI is a magic trick to me, everyone thinks they see one thing, but really if you showed them how it works they would say, “well that’s not real magic after all, is it?”

  • Thats all well and good but here in America thats just a long list of stuff I can’t afford, and won’t be used to drive down costs. If it will for you, then I’m happy you live in a place that gives a shit about its populations health.

    I know there will be people who essentially do the reverse of profiteering and will take advantage of AI for genuinely beneficial reasons, although even in those cases a lot of the time profit is the motive. Unfortunately the American for profit system has drawn in some awful people with bad motives.

    If, right now, the two largest AI companies were healthcare nonprofits, I dont think people would be nearly as upset at the massive waste of energy, money, and life current AI is.