• 17 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I don’t go far on these roads for that reason (I break something or lose a tire). Worst case I call for a pickup. I will definitely be picking up some better tires for next season though. Most my riding currently is highway, and the occasional short stop into a gravel road, so for now it’s alright (knock on wood).

  • I just do light gravel roads (logging roads) since that’s mostly what we have around here. I kinda just went for it not knowing what was gonna happen, but I didn’t go fast just in case I hit a rock or rut and dropped the bike. These tires were fine, but I don’t have experience of using an off-road tire to provide a comparison, unfortunately.

  • Maybe more weird than alarming, but can also be alarming.

    I was about 14 years old. Hanging out with a friend, and we went over to someone’s house. They had a bong and some weed, so what the hell, eh? I took a rip. For about 10-20 minutes, I was fine. We were hanging out on some chairs. A few of us ended up moving towards the front of the house, and it was at this point I have no recollection of what happened. It seemed like I blacked out for a while. I came to consciousness when I was asked if I had a can of ginger ale… I had no backpack, so why I was asked that, I’ve no idea. However, it seemed like I was standing in this persons driveway for a good amount of time, facing the garage door, away from the others, totally out of it and blacked out. My friend and I ended up going to his then girlfriend’s house, had a bonfire and ate some snacks. When we were leaving, I promptly yacked all over his girlfriend’s front yard. I was 100% after that.

    That was the last time I smoked weed. I’m fairly confident that was maybe a little more than weed…