• 53 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • I don’t think the disposition to evil needs a “fertile soil”. For instance, there are evil men in convents–and in quite a high degree too–that harm others in order to break the monotonicity of their life; now, would you say a convent is a “fertile soil” for growth of evil–should be the contrary. The artificial spite is a product of, as I’ve mentioned, a boring and monotonous life, and it so happens the easiest mode available to break this is harm towards others.

    In case of natural malignity, the influence on the actions lies not in something mundane as boredom but other natural causes–be it from parental abuse, &c. but I concur that I’ve no scientific knowledge in this field. And, thus I believe that the ones that hold malignity through nature (in contrast with the artificial one) are able to create an environment that accomplishes, or perhaps, breaks, as I’ve said above, their disorder’s whims. And the chans happen to be a pre-existing place with like minded people that nurture each other’s “seeds”, but even in the lack of these imaginary soils, the seeds will grow without any problem.

  • I have listened to the following:

    • Electric masada - At the mountains of madness

    Someone on RYM called it “the modern bitches brew”; therefore, I had to check it out. A great album: very bombastic. (and, yes, it is reminiscient of bitches brew) 9/10

    • Bohren & der Club of Gore - Sunset Mission

    Only ever listened to when I am reading. Good for background playing but no strong feelings. Not a big fan of this genre of music. 5/10

    • Bruno Pernadas - Those Who Throw Objects at the Crocodiles Will Be Asked to Retrieve Them

    More elements of pop than jazz, however, it has enough jazzy elements to be considered a jazz-fusion album. Absolutely amazing album, especially great when taking a shower. 9/10

    • Floating Points - Promises

    TBH, I don’t really remember much from this album. But I remember liking it. ?/10