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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • Almost all of them. I rarely finish a game. For a variety of reasons, all added together. The closer I get to the end, the more I want to put it off if I’m enjoying a game, so I will keep finding more and more nuanced stuff to do instead. A new game comes out and I eventually completely forget one of the 10 games I’m currently actively playing when it temporarily becomes 11, then back down to 10. My friends stop playing a game, but my character relied on them… maybe I’ll just start over with a character that can solo. Maybe that game will just go on the pile of “not today, but I’ll play it soon”, until it’s been in the pile so long that there isn’t much point anymore.

    I should mention I am autistic and likely adhd but I haven’t got that diagnosed yet. So while some of this is probably normal behaviours, some of it probably isn’t too.

  • You said you tried the game, there is no special surprise that happens later into that makes the beginning worth it. Which is actually what I said, if you didn’t like the start, you won’t like the rest either. For the people who liked the game, it was good the whole way through. You didn’t, there is no secret you missed, you just didn’t like it, which is also what I said. The game is only well liked by a specific subset of people, you apparently are not in that subset. The second half of my post was also just one guess if you thought you should enjoy it but didn’t. There was no way for me to know you tried it when it was new, but then at least the first half of my post was the important part for you then.

  • It is “for” a very specific subset of gamers. If you have played and didn’t enjoy it, you are just not in that subset. For those of us that enjoy it, it was immediate and throughout. Also if you didn’t play it when it was new, it will of course feel like an old game now, as it is. There are always microadvancements in video games that we barely even perceive as they incrementally build on each other. But you go back a whole generation or more and feel ten plus increments at once, it’s just gonna be pervasively uncomfortable.

  • It depends if “public comment” is akin to going on the record. Then staying silent means they didn’t say anything, and not making a public comment means they said something to us that we promised not to make public.

    Saying something not on the record is actually pretty common. And is most of what private sources are about and for. They might be able to point a reporter to someone or something that would be able to be reported on. Trust is a super important difference between an established reporter and a new reporter.

  • Tarquinn2049@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldThe latest Ads
    9 days ago

    I would probably hate wet sandwiches too. Glad my Arby’s near me doesn’t have wet sandwiches. It sucks that even with all the work franchises do to try and make sure each location is as similar as possible, some people just get unlucky that the one they live close to sucks.

  • Yeah, if there was any chance he was into her, or going to be into her, this would have increased those odds, not decreased. Doing little embarrassing things like that is actually a great tactic if someone was specifically trying to make someone fall in love with them. Lol. So, don’t worry if it was embarrassing. But most importantly, don’t dwell on it or dread it happening again. There is a reason it is a common trope in movies that people are fumbling totally normal actions around someone they have a crush on. It’s going to happen again, and you want it to. Just don’t force it, cuz forcing it and getting that wrong would probably actually hurt your chances.

  • The thing is, most people wouldn’t lie about this sort of thing. Or even be capable of making it up. Our minds just don’t work this way. If any of this was incongruent from what we already publicly see from him, it would be harder to believe. But it exactly follows every other “hot mic” situation he has had so far. It’s not like we’re taking it on faith that some otherwise completely upstanding citizen is rumored to have done one terrible thing behind closed doors. Even if it turns out this specific thing isn’t one of the things he said, he has said worse anyway, and not even behind closed doors. This would just pile on to an already disgusting pile of terrible things to say about people.

  • In all seriousness, the “maximum daily dose” of monster is already a partial can. If anything, they should be smaller. But, a gallon jug with an appropriate sized cup included is also a viable solution, assuming it can stand up to repeated exposure to air without losing any of the properties that make it desireable to drink for some people. And do so for as long as it would take to drink it safely. If there was no safe way to reasonably drink it, they would have a hard time justifying the size to the fda, and an even harder time justifying it to all the other way better food agencies around the world.