• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Like it or not, the United States are of the corporations, by the corporations, for the corporations.

    Now I totally disagree with Republicans on almost everything especially since 2014 but one thing I like about them is, how to pass the actual laws, and how to put justices in supreme court.

    No matter how wrong are they, or who paid (directly or indirectly) to pass the laws… when they have majority, they just steamrolls.

    Democrats on the other hand are just talks.

    Edit: Though, on a larger scale, I think Democracy is a failed experiment. But that’s entirely a different debate.

    Look at just one example:

    In Europe, Apple was told accept outside payments. Apple made mockery of the wish of the people they are making money from… and made it more expensive to use outside payment system.

    Now take a guess, if it was China asked Apple to implement something serious… do you think Apple would be able to make mockery of Chinese government and still survive in China?

  • What the actual fuck… and that too from apnews?

    Now only if those “researchers” looked even further back, they would have found that ultimate building blocks of any coffee, like electrons and up & down quarks came into existence around 13.8 billion year ago (or may be ~28 billion year ago as claimed by some new research), and our universe may be a part of infinite multiverse that may have existed forever.

    So wouldn’t it be even bigger headline that coffee has existed forever :)

  • As others have mentioned, it’s simple things takes alot time finding/figuring out.

    I use GIMP within Ubuntu MATE few times a week to edit pictures. Simple edits nothing major.

    One of the thing I need regularly is to highlight certain part of the picture.

    Now in Microsoft Paint I can draw a rectangle, choose its border thickness, and color in 2 seconds.

    I have learned how to do the same in GIMP few times but it took alot of time and I still forgets after few weeks.

    So now I just reboot the PC and log into Windows or use Windows virtual machine and draw rectangle in 2 seconds in Microsoft Paint.

    Mine is extremely simple use case, so I can only guess how difficult or how time consuming it would be for actual professional to create artistic work in GIMP vs Photoshop (or in similar commercial software).

    Just my 2 cents.

  • Now obviously, mere mention of word AI sparks outrage online.

    But I have a different take, and not for this particular instance but AI and military in general.

    Even if the US shuts down any and all AI research and AI applications, do you think China, Russia, Iran, and others gonna do the same?

    I don’t think so. Nvidia is super happy to supply expensive AI processors to China… officially or not.

    It’s better to prepare preemptively than fall behind all eternity.

    Look at North Korea, once they got the nukes, they became untouchable with unhinged loonies at the helm. And now South Korea and may be the US must keep throwing millions to them. They keep hacking anything and everything (except in China & Russia) they can get their hands on… without any consequences at all.

    I have not seen any hacker being successfully prosecuted anywhere in the world from the “state sponsored hacking teams” of China, Russia, Iran or North Korea.

    IMO all of these nations are never gonna be at peace with rest of the world, so why don’t stay (or at least try to be) in the lead while you can?

  • According to this physics.stackexchange.com answer:

    "I suppose the surprising thing is why the atmosphere doesn’t all fall immediately to the Earth’s surface to form a thin dense layer of air molecules.

    The reason this doesn’t happen is that air molecules are all whizzing around at surprisingly high speeds - typically hundreds of metres per second depending on the temperature.

    The air molecules bash into each other and knock each other around, and the air molecules near the ground bash into the air molecules above them and stop them falling down."

    Detailed explanation from another answer:

    "The key ingredient is temperature.

    If it were zero then all the air would indeed just fall down to the ground (actually, this is a simplification I’ll address later).

    As you increase the temperature the atoms of the ground will start to wiggle more and they’ll start to kick the air molecules giving them non-zero average height.

    So the atmosphere would move a little off the ground. The bigger the temperature is the higher the atmosphere will reach.

    Note: there are number of assumptions above that simplify the picture. They are not that important but I want to provide a complete picture:

    1, Even at the zero temperature the molecules would wiggle a little because of quantum mechanics

    2, The atmosphere would freeze at some point (like 50K) so under that temperature it would just lie on the ground

    3, I assumed that the ground and the atmosphere have the same temperature because they are in the thermal equilibrium; in reality their temperatures can differ a little because of additional slow heat-transfer processes."