
I have no hole into which you can pigeon me. I’m unique. Just like everyone else.

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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 8th, 2023


  • @cy

    Most heroin users start on pills, but not codeine. Hydrocodone or oxycodone. Morphine is basically free to produce, and not patentable, so in America doctors prescribe pills like percocet, which is hydrocodone with acetaminophen. You may have heard of oxycodone. The Sackler family made a few bucks pushing it.

    These used to be kept out of the general population, but bush2 opened the floodgates. Then, once an entire generation had been strung out, he cut them off. They had to switch to dope. In my day, this was a self-regulating drug, since the acetaminophen would kill you in a couple months at high doses. Most people wouldn’t go through the effort it took to go deeper into that addiction. It’s very far from safe to go to the ghetto to buy dope.

    For clarity: opium is 10% morphine and 5% codeine. Heroin is morphine with a methyl(?) group attached to make it more potent. It didn’t gain popularity until we banned morphine and the volume you had to smuggle mattered. Fentanyl and carfentanil are significantly stronger than heroin. Carfentanil is basically a chemical weapon. See: the Moscow Opera House siege.

    I’m pretty sure Kratom is a different class of drug, but don’t know much about it. It’s been my experience that anything legal that actually gets you high is a poison. The only legal recreational drug I’ll do is nitrous oxide, which is harmless. And weed’s semi legal now. I classify ethanol as a poison, not a drug.

  • @cy


    Barbiturates have largely been replaced by benzodiazepines and nonbenzodiazepines (“Z-drugs”) in routine medical practice, particularly in the treatment of anxiety disorders and insomnia, because of the significantly lower risk of overdose.
    Opium isn’t very addictive. It’s a small dose of morphine and codeine. Heroin is far more addictive, and fentanyl even more so.
    I’m autistic, so my experience with drugs isn’t a fair comparison. I break addictions like nothing. I can tell you a few things from personal experience:

    cocaine isn’t physically addictive at all, but is the most powerful psychologically addictive drug out there. It’s the only drug rats will self-administer until they die.

    I honestly don’t know much about meth. I really didn’t enjoy that drug. I spent 20 years on adderall, though.

    Narcotics (the class that comes from poppies, or big pharma substitutes) change your body. I spent a summer on them and could feel that change taking place, so I quit. I imagine that once your system rejiggers itself to want narcotics, you’re pretty well fucked for life. Like a dry drunk.

    Hallucinogens are anti-addictive. Your tolerance shoots through the roof on one usage; the most frequently you can trip is once a week.

    Extacy/ molly/ MDMA is beneficial. The republicans needed a distraction so they emergency scheduled it in 1986. The doctors said it was very helpful in therapy, the judge said it should be schedule 3, and the DEA said, “fuck you guys!” and took it off the market. The DEA are basically America’s religious police, and are completely unaccountable.

    Weed is addictive. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. When I go off weed, I stay awake for days.

    Coffee is really good for you and tea gives people kidney stones.

    A morphine addiction is easy to manage. There were still 1.5 million Civil War vets hooked on it in about 1905, when we took it away and turned them all into drunks.

  • @GuyFleegman

    Fuck that, I do not concede the point. At least, I don’t concede that humans are /more/ selfish than we are compassionate. Our emotional wiring evolved for hundred-human tribes that required a lot more empathy and cooperation than competition.

    You don’t have to go so far as to disincentivize greed. Greed is socially useful in small doses. Adam Smith wasn’t a total idiot. Just stop letting the people who shape society make it so only the greedheads survive.