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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • To be fair to Blade Runner here, I don’t think it was really made to be “Cyberpunk”. It has some of the themes and inspired a lot of future Cyberpunk work (at the very least aesthetic wise), but the book “Cyberpunk” wasn’t published until a year later and “Neuromancer” didn’t come out until two years later, so a lot of the themes that we consider Cyberpunk weren’t fully realised yet. I guess you could argue it’s more proto-Cyberpunk (and a number of other sci-fi from before then), but it’s pretty firmly entrenched as Cyberpunk now, and to be honest, I don’t really disagree either. Strict definitions for genres are pretty tricky, even more so for foundational work like I’d say Blade Runner was.

  • Ever since I first saw augmentations stuff in cyberpunk media or likewise I’ve always wanted to get it. Get cool new arms, get eyes that can zoom in or whatever, maybe lungs to help with stamina, etc. But when I actually think about doing it, I dunno if I could go through with it. Like eyes would probably be an obvious choice for me, but thinking about actually having that done freaks me out a little.
    It’d be a different matter if it needed replacing I think, rather than replacing them purely to be better. If I was gonna be blind, I think I’d take augmentated eyes in a heartbeat, same for any other part of my body. Though perhaps if we ever do get there, seeing other people do it might make the prospect less scary for me to replace healthy parts.

    Oh and also hope we don’t need any anti-rejections drugs like the Deus Ex prequels…

  • I had no idea Cyberpunk was inspired by this book. I once listened to it on audiobook when I was on a big binge of Cyberpunk stories a few years back. I’ll be honest I don’t remember a super amount of it, it sorta merges with the others I listened to then a little bit, but I do remember enjoying it at least. I did like the idea of the orbitals (well I don’t if that was reality but you get what I mean…), powerful corporations that live in space rather than bother with Earth, which does feel like a path we could go down… The “rock war” too intrigued me because I remember I had only just read about tungsten rods possibly being used in space in that way a little while before listening to the book.
    I never ended up getting the sequels though, I don’t remember even seeing them until now, I think the book ended pretty well from what I remember.

  • Welcome to DATATERM, I saw a little bit about VA-11-Hall-A floating around lemmy, I think it was from you

    Yea was most likely me on my other instance account. Didn’t see anyone else mention it anywhere so I thought I might as well even if doesn’t go anywhere!

    The fediverse can be a bit mind bending at first and it comes with it’s own quirks that’s for sure.

    I think I’m slowly getting around it, just looking at other fediverse sites on the side. nightcity.bar looked interesting at least. Not fully sure the difference between Calckey and Mastodon. Calckey looks like it has more features from what I can tell whilst still having the same-ish feel. Also being able to post from there to here seems neat, which I think I’ve seen a few people do here.

  • Small hint: Even if it’s very cyberpunk’ish here, you are of course allowed to create communities or share posts that have nothing to do with cyberpunk :)

    To be honest I originally wasn’t sure what exactly was allowed here. Most of the posts seemed to be about Cyberpunk TPRG/2077 (which I don’t mind! I loved 2077 and spent a long time waiting for it after the 2013 trailer…) and I wasn’t quite sure if it was meant to be general Cyberpunk or games. I guess that’s the slight downside of the game sharing the name with a genre. I was originally thinking about starting a VA-11 Hall-A community here since it’s a Cyberpunk game that I love too, but I ended up putting on another instance instead. Sounds dumb but with it being a small community here I felt like I would have been “intruding” too. I have made an account here now though at least, dunno if I’ll use it as my “main” one yet.

    Sorry that turned into a kind of ramble, I tend to that sometimes, to actually answer your question, I think other than the rules things as you mentioned (until you said they were in legal I had no idea where they were…), it’s mostly alright as is I think. I’m still getting my head around the fediverse a bit though. You all seem pretty nice at least!