• 2 Posts
Joined 28 days ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2024


  • If you watch the linked video, it talks about Farage trying to ally himself with Powell and Powell rejecting his advances. So yes, you’re correct. My point was the Tories had a vocal racist in their ranks, and they kicked him out. A racist that Farage idolises.

    The Tories are scumbags but at least they have (or had) a veneer of some kind of morals about them. Farage doesn’t have that quality, so to say he’s reminiscent of a 90s or 00s Tory is raising him above his station. Even if it’s an incredibly low bar to begin with.

    He shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near a position of power.

  • It worked for me perfectly from release until a couple of days ago. Ads started appearing in the app around the same time it stopped working, so perhaps they’re affecting how it works? I dunno.

    If I click the tick to denote a post is read, it’ll disappear. And posts still dim during scroll as if the app knows they’re read but just isn’t hiding them anymore.

  • Amazing, thanks!

    The interactive map is pretty cool. It’s interesting that the further north you go, the more it just becomes adders.

    My only interaction with snakes in the wild was in the Cairngorms. Twice in the same day! Both were just sunbathing on the path, and both times I almost stood on them before I saw them at the last second. Terrifying stuff. I’m pretty sure they weren’t adders though, although I’ll admit I know next to nothing about snakes, so who knows.

  • The only game I recall playing where crossbows were a weapon class of their own, and not just another type of gun, is Witcher 3.

    I completed the game, and the two large DLCs, and the crossbows were completely pointless. Magic, swords, and even fists were used regularly, but the crossbows just gathered dust. I unlocked and levelled up pretty much everything in that game, and still, the crossbows were pointless.

  • I’ve not used buses in a long time. I’d rather walk 45m across the city than fuck about trying to get a 20m bus journey as they’re so unreliable. That could be why passenger numbers are low if people are doing similar, finding alternatives.

    This was… a few years ago, but a friend of mine lived in [small unnamed village so I don’t dox myself] as a teenager and after a night out his only option home (except a bank loan for a taxi) was to get the 10 to Inverness, ask the driver to drop him off at a junction along the way (not a bus stop) and walk 1.5 miles in the dark along a narrow country road. What could possibly go wrong?

    The reason for this is Stagecoach deemed the bus that went to his village and around some of the other larger villages in the area too expensive and cut it. Essentially stranding a few thousand children, teenagers, pensioners, and anyone unable to drive really, because they weren’t making enough profit. Not a loss, just not enough profit. This bus then got subsidised by the council due to outcry, but that seemed to dry up eventually, too.

    Another Stagecoach fuck up was when they got the contract to do all the school bus runs. This would be a council fuck up too as they clearly didn’t vet Stagecoach properly. So Stagecoach have the contract to transport hundreds of children and which buses do they decide to use? Well, putting out the shiny new buses isn’t going to net them any profit as they’ve already got the contract, they’re getting paid regardless of which bus they use. So they chose their most beat-up falling apart buses. Some buses would fill up with smoke from the engine, some buses struggled to drive up hills, but the worst was when a bus came to a crossroads, the driver applied the brakes annnd nothing happened. A bus full of children just went zipping across the junction. Luckily, there was nothing coming from the other directions, but that could have been disastrous. Of course, parents and teachers found out, a meeting was called, and Stagecoach got scalded by the council and improved their buses. But only improved them juuust enough. They were still pieces of shit by the time I left school 5 years later.

    Anyway, my point is, I agree, Stagecoach are shite. First are shite. Nationalised buses are definitely the way forward.