I’m also on Mastodon

  • 11 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: February 28th, 2021


  • Having had both, I can say that with the framework you get a much better display, but you lose the trackpoint. The framework has better repairability, but has less IO. The hardware on the framework is well supported on Linux, but can be hit or miss on thinkpads, especially newer ones.

    The only thing I’m really missing on the framework is the black thinkpad chassis - can’t really get used to the aluminum.

  • I went on a trip through the Ardennes and the weather was horrible. Hailstorms with hail sticking to my visor and lining the street, half an hour later sunshine. Heavy rain a whole day long.

    The rain liners did their job. The pant liner has an elastic to keep it in place and I was able to put it on and take it off over my boots (with a bit of struggling). There also isnt any v cut. The water didn’t puddle anywhere or creep in. Actually, the only parts of me that got wet were my fingers because the gloves were absolutely waterlogged!

    Maybe you had a different model liner?