Admin @ - Roam free!

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Hey, thanks for your feedback.

    Good point on the Admin account potentially not being e-mail verified, I’ll add that bit in there.

    Lemmy stores a record of users in two places:

    • local_user is where local accounts are stored. Each entry has an id and a person_id.
    • person gets an entry for every user@instance that your Lemmy instance learns about, including users which were created on your instance. local_user entries are mapped to person entries using the person_id.
    • local_user doesn’t actually keep track of user@instance - it’s all stored under person and referenced via the person_id.

    This means that to free up the user names, you would also need to delete the respective entry from person. There are a few ways you can achieve this:

    • You could grab a list of all person_id numbers where email_verified=‘f’, then use this list to delete from person.
    • You could just delete the specific username you want to free up from person (where name=‘username’).

    Edit: This also explains your confusion around the id of the Admin username - id would’ve been ‘1’ and that’s the one that matters. person_id was ‘2’ because your instance likely learnt of another user before the Admin somehow. I just checked mine and person_id is also 2, so it seems like the standard thing it does.

    I didn’t worry about this too much since these were all randomly generated junk usernames that nobody would ever miss and I didn’t think it was worth the extra hassle to try and delete them from person too, since it would be a bit cumbersome especially if there’s a lot of them.

    Anyway, to free up those usernames just delete them from person using one of the options above.

    I hear you on the need to delete junk data, my hope is the devs will eventually include some decent tools for that. It’s a good suggestion, I may put something together when I have a bit of time.

    A solution you can try meanwhile is to use an admin account to ‘purge’ the stuff you want to delete - purging does remove everything from the server. Annoyingly you don’t get the option to purge your own posts as the admin, but you can use a second admin account to work around this.

  • Hey, thanks for your feedback. I like your idea of labeling Cloudflared services, reporting is indeed a bit tricky for those especially if they use “Always online” to serve cached copies while the instance is down. I have some ideas on how to combat that, but labeling them also makes sense.

    I can add tags against services - I have done this for as a proof of concept, I think it works but I welcome feedback. Sorting through the entire list is a bit daunting and will take me a while, but I’ll get there.

    Manually adjusting availability is a can of worms that I don’t want to open, I’d rather we try to find other ways to level the playing field.

  • Hey, that is weird behaviour, I haven’t encountered it in my testing with Chrome. There are a few things you can try to figure out what’s causing it:

    1. Try clearing your browser cache (cookies, offline site data, etc): - sometimes, especially after Lemmy updates, things can be a bit wonky until you do this.
    2. If the problem persists, try using another instance to see if the same thing is happening there too. You’re welcome to try if you wish.

    This will help you narrow down the problem.

    I suspect there may be two separate things going on:

    1. The comment behaviour you mentioned may be related to browser cache and recent Lemmy updates introducing infinite scrolling.
    2. The generic page error is likely related to the instance you are using. has suffered through a few DDoS attacks recently so it’s possible that you are getting those errors when the instance is down due to those attacks. If it happens again, then perhaps take a screenshot and post it here.

    Let me know how you go.