Actually three raccoons in a trench coat.

Owner and proprietor of the Demonologic Porn Shed (!

Lesbian or lesbian-adjacent and a pretty girl enthusiast. A “they” or “she” – I guess I’m a themme 😄?

  • 98 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 4th, 2023


  • I was here all “… no way are those tits home-grown” and had to go do a search 😅 Unless the internet is lying to me (unthinkable!), her tits in fact are just due to terrific genetics. Well I’ll be.

    But yeah, her body really is amazing. It’s so hot how all that m u s c l e looks; she’s curvy and thick as all get out, but looks more firm than soft (not too firm though! 😁). She’s so beautiful too, but not in a generic porn star cookie-cutter way.

  • Been a bit of a dry spell for like 3 or 4 years now because of Reasons and Stuff, so frankly just someone to tussle with for a bit would already be pretty nice. But I haven’t had group fun in even longer, and while it’s not exactly a novel fantasy it’s been fun the few times I’ve done it.

    It’d be awesome to end up in one of those configurations of people (eg. at a party, usually how those random ones have gone for me) that suddenly devolves into groping and fucking, when everybody’s enough on the same “wavelength” already and then some little thing gives the group a little push 😁 One pair starts some sort of tomfoolery, and suddenly there’s not a dry panty or a flaccid penis in the vicinity and everything goes 😂

    Said it somewhere else here earlier, but I’m close enough but not quite a lesbian that I jokingly call myself lesbian-adjacent, because I’m also not at all above eg. giving a dick a bit of a lick (although probably wouldn’t want one like inside inside me, but who the hell knows with me 😅) in that sort of a group play scenario. The dick or the man it’s attached to (wow that sounded sexist 😂) don’t as such excite me, but giving pleasure to someone definitely does. And there’s been other scenarios too that blur the lines, but that’s probably the nature of this.

    Welp, bit of a ramble, but yeah. Some sort of totally random group play thing where I feel safe with everyone and we can really have fun with each others’ bodies, I’ll have one of those please 😅

  • Damnit, not sure I remember any specifics anymore, but I’ve had sooooo many good laughs over the years while fooling around. I think very few situations benefit from being Taken Very Seriously, and I’m always up for a little giggle – something like cancer is serious, fucking absolutely shouldn’t be 😁

    Actually now that I think about it, a partner once stuck a big peacock feather between my butt cheeks (no, not in me) during an… err… sex intermission because she thought my butt looked nice but could use a little decoration. That was hilarious; since we were taking a break from the hanky panky we were both nude, and I was prancing around with that thing in my butt doing my best peacock act (which I can assure you is surprisingly good.) Eventually we composed ourselves and got on with the fucking 😁

    Also a few cases where I did or said something funny (this is a load-bearing sense of humor) and had someone start laughing into my pussy while eating me 😅 A) it feels super weird but actually kinda good, B) but it’s so hilarious in itself that the whole thing turns into a gigglefest

  • Ah let’s see where that deal goes then, that’d be neat.

    But I honestly don’t mind the learnin’, I was more just soliciting for good tips for this specific use case since I figured somebody’s bound to be more clued in already 😁

    I know surprising amounts about the technical side of lots of cryptocurrency projects because in another life I’ve worked on sort-of-related things, but like the idiot I am I never bought all that many of anything and haven’t “handled” them in ages.

  • What would be good options for me if I just want to use my credit card to quickly buy whatever crypto and send it to any address I want? I did look at some sites a couple of days ago, but they were more for trading and didn’t seem too great for this use case.

    I never got into crypto even though I’m a huge nerd, so I have no idea which service is trustworthy and quick’n’easy to use.