a search engine for the gemini network protocol
a search engine for the gemini network protocol
Well hardware makers will do anything to cut costs, but a right to repair law which includes fully complete repair information (here are the parts used in making the device) and banning sole customer deals (Companies making parts for the device must offer for sale to all customers any parts that they make for any customer) would be sufficient for a dozen people working together to keep all new hardware flowing into community supported projects. And provide a route for commercial repair companies to justify funding such community efforts.
Trademarks outside of direct brand/company names used exclusively in commercial market places provide no social benefit and should be banned entirely.
Yeah it is shitty when companies use common terms and flood the conversation but expanding trademark rights creates more problems than solutions.
And in Gemini’s case, it may have accidentally prevented an Eternal September for the smolNet. It isn’t going to go away and slow growth will enable its cultural values to be better preserved.
That is not the purpose of trademarks and no generic term should be eligible for trademark protection.
Hence why it is legal for one to make an Elon Musk gay porn site called x.gay and fill it with Deep fakes of Elon Musk having lots of gay sex and doing enough Search Engine Optimization that it is the first result when someone google searches for X
Completely true. It is even worse as some things are abandoned immediately after sale in regards to support and security fixes (many embedded devices tend to have this problem).
But as projects like LineageOS and PostmarketOS exist; consumers should be able to continue to use those devices (at equivalent or reduced functionality) .
The internal problems exist in the externally distributed programs as well.
The government doesn’t even have the source code nor a mechanism to get the source code for many of the programs distributed, even in the cases were Government money was used to fund those very programs development.
So although I agree with the general idea, you will need to take into account that it will take a couple decades of unwinding to actually achieve.
There is no denying government finance (soft corruption) from financial institutions but what you are suggesting is quite easy for any institution to bypass with bulk paperwork; unless you refine it to be in an exact form with no other subjects and for which the optional nature must be explicitly stated with clear terms. But then banks can just say no interest on accounts unless you agree and boom the problem returns.
RMS’ 10 year copyright recommendation combined with a minor tweak in copyright law:
To obtain copyright for software, the complete and corresponding source code and its required reproducible build must be logged with the copyright office and will be made publicly available upon copyright expiration.
should solve that entirely.
currently there are a few gaps for software to fill if you want 100% source code availability:
there are no crystal reports drop in replacements
no actively supported Epplus forks
more experts for Oracle to PostgreSQL migrations are needed
no informatica drop in replacements
There are a few thousand other proprietary crap programs/libraries used in government and usually the technical people can’t justify a port even from .Net (Microsoft proprietary) to .Net-core (Respects your freedom) because of those things lagging support.
or just pass a law requiring all government post offices to provide low (or no cost) banking services to the entire population and empower them to issue loans for up to 2-3x your annual income at 3% interest.
It will gut bank’s home loan business, making housing more affordable and skip the email question entirely.
not a very effective solution; also human CO2 is only 1/20th of industrial CO2 emissions.
Bigger benefit would be to gradually drop all subsidies for Fossil fuel production and then gradually add on a larger and larger fossil fuel tax.
The reason for government usage of cloudflare has nothing to do with incompetence or lack of funding but rather department director egos and top down decisions.
Take for example a system where day care providers in a state submit invoices for childcare to receive payment. The law requires you to be in the State to provide care and to submit an invoice; in house filtering would require you to use an ISP that is available to someone living in the state (much more restrictive than cloudflare) but tor and VPN access make no sense as you literally are told these things up front when you register a daycare with that state.
The move to cloudflare made security worse but that is just an example of something which is an obligation to provide access and services don’t even require VPN nor Tor user support.
have 2 flash/hard/whatever drives: A and B
once a month (or at what ever frequency you can sustain)
backup your data to A and next cycle backup your data to B
nothing fancy or technical, just some basic consistent backups.
if you can do that you’ll likely be fine. There are nearly infinitely many enhancements you can do if you are more technical or can follow technical instructions.
That is just the gateway drug to bootstrapping.
Check out https://github.com/fosslinux/live-bootstrap
if you want the real hard stuff.
They already did: https://www.commanderx16.com/
you just probably want something better.
and that is the problem building higher performance requires more advanced lithography and that is expensive and until recently was not even an option for a hobbyist (without taking a mortgage on their house).
Given current stagnation, you need only wait about 10 years for that viable option.
rxvt-unicode with tabbedex.
I refuse to use a terminal emulator that needs more than 100MB of RAM to display 80x24 green text on a black display
checksums at the filesystem level does nothing to protect against memory corruption which can overwrite everything on your disk with null values and a matching checksum; fail to write anything to disk and/or do nothing.
But that is the gamble you take every day with every GB of RAM you have.
the correct answer is Gemini or gopher.
Warzone 2100 (you can download for free as it is an old PC game that went GPL)
gets more on the nose by the day