• 63 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I’ve been buying AMD for – holy shit – 25 years now, and have never once regretted it. I don’t consider myself a fanboi; I just (a) prefer having the best performance-per-dollar rather than best performance outright, and (b) like rooting for the underdog.

    But if Intel keeps fucking up like this, I might have to switch on grounds of (b)!


    (Realistically I’d be more likely to switch to ARM or even RISCV, though. Even if Intel became an underdog, my memory of their anti-competitive and anti-consumer bad behavior remains long.)

  • As a 'murcan who took Latin in high school (because SAT scores were a higher-priority goal than actually becoming bilingual, LOL) and is now learning French of my own volition, I think maybe the Olympics would be a relatively good candidate for watching in French. At least with the simpler/less-subjective sports (e.g. track and field, as opposed to e.g. gymnastics), it could be possible to follow along just with the infographics on the screen even if you struggle to understand the commentary.

    (Also, thanks for the advice. I’ve got a PIA subscription that I really don’t use enough, so this is a good push to finally figure out how to set it up properly.)

  • How would that [Trump going down for making some false statements to law enforcement] happen?

    What follows is wild unfounded speculation that 99.9% didn't happen, but is technically a barely plausible hypothetical answer to your question.

    If the ear injury wasn’t caused by a bullet, then the miss wasn’t as near as we thought it was.

    If it missed by a lot despite being at [relatively] short range [for the type of gun used], then maybe it was on purpose.

    If the shooter missed on purpose, maybe it was because he was hired by Trump for a false-flag operation in order to allow Trump to claim martyrdom, or even a casus belli to purge his enemies.

    If this sort of absurd conspiracy were what actually happened, maybe Trump would lie to the FBI to try to cover it up, get caught, and get charged with more crimes.

  • I’m convinced that “analog sounds better” is just an inaccurate way people describe preferring the experience of listening to a record, and they just can’t articulate that what they really like is the tactile ceremony of loading it in the player or looking at large-format album art or something like that. Surely nobody actually believes that less accurate sound reproduction is somehow an improvement.

  • I think a workbench (maybe minus the shelving) is a better first project idea than a table anyway, since it’s a work surface you expect to get beat up and so it doesn’t need to be fine furniture craftsmanship.

    It does need to be flat and sturdy, though, so have fun planing all those studs so that you can laminate them without gaps and such.

    Also, good luck going down the rabbit hole of workbench design and never actually building the thing because you’re overwhelmed with choice.