You don’t need to do asshole actions to guard your money.
Someone with boundaries isn’t consequently an asshole.
You don’t need to do asshole actions to guard your money.
Someone with boundaries isn’t consequently an asshole.
Yeah that happened about the same time as OP’s story
Works like a charm
Nothing personal, kid. Alternator’s out.
What does pain taste like?
I’m not blocking the ramps I’m not an idiot
I’ve never seen that line
I am autistic
Also there’s torture to consider
Awesome shot
People tend to experience and therefore express multiple emotions simultaneously.
Just passed around like cattle eh?
I’ve been sick at home for a few days. I blew my nose into some toilet paper, checked, then tossed it in the toilet. Saw myself in the bathroom mirror and had snot all over my mustache.
Then it hit me. This isn’t the first time I’ve blown my nose with a mustache — it’s just the first time I’ve immediately looked in a mirror afterward.
Oh my god
World wide web link for those lacking a wrestling browser:
If this kind of thing is bothering you regularly, then you probably need to update your definition of “asshole”.
Last job I worked had 38 hours per week of work, free parking, health insurance, and was a terrible company.
Or is she?
So then what does the green line represent?
If I’m in the driver’s seat, I’m ready to move if a fire truck shows up
Either the situation is worth the sacrifice or it isn’t. If you feel like you’re getting the short end of the stick, try taking into account the spiritual benefits of doing the right thing.
If that doesn’t tip the balance into feeling like you made the right choice, you probably made the wrong choice.
When one is actually clear about one’s values, and their relative position in one’s personal hierarchy, it relieves an enormous amount of existential stress.