• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I think I got online around 1995 when I went to an internet cafe and paid my $4 an hour to see what the fuss was about. I think I bought a modem on the way home and I was hooked. Back then there wasn’t really even a search engine, you went to a portal page… then came basic search like altavista, excite then google.

    There were tonnes of communities and web chats if IRC wasn’t your thing, then there was the wave of dedicated chat apps like ICQ, MSN Messenger etc

    I have many fond memories of the internet before it became a vehicle for commerce

  • I have seen a few… I started work at a young age as an apprenticeship painter for the railways, and when I was 16 I witnessed my first fatality and had to get down onto the track and cover the remainder of her body with a sheet, I saw another lady OD in a waiting door and have her boyfriend put her on the train and jump back off again, but I witnessed the OD… plus a couple of relatives