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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • Yeah, it’s a feature dubbed “queued callback”. Saves your place, it’s a pretty common request. Customers like Delta, Intuit, Pacific Life, Citibank, Dyson, all use the platform I build (Amazon Connect) and do stuff like that.

    Problem is, no one answers a call from an unknown number these days. Some phones are getting smart enough to recognize the number and show that it’s a business, though that’s more anecdotal evidence from my personal device (Pixel Fold with Google Fi carrier).

  • I sell and build call centers for a living.

    Yeah, it’s fake lol. I mean maybe for some businesses it isn’t fake, but usually clients would ask us to make it where “if there’s more than X calls in queue, play the message”. Turns out, there’s always more than X calls in queue. It’s not actually looking at the average.

    It’s kinda weird, some things are just always like that, some things clients want to add in because the average user expects it.

    Someone wanted a repeat caller to get bumped to the front of the queue. Literally encouraging the “if I hang up and call back I’ll get there sooner” people. Awful.

  • I’m on year 2 of the game, and rarely notice bugs. There’s this arena boss fight you can do, my wife died and teleported outside the area, but her crossbow shots traveled infinitely and could still damage the same boss I was stuck in the arena with. Random stuff like that, certainly nothing game breaking, no crashes or anything.

    Compared to Stardew Valley, it’s much more heavy on quests. SV has some basics, but it’s pretty much just build the community center, upgrade your house, get married, etc. It’s also much heavier on skill progression. You’ll eventually use magic for nearly everything if you (mining, tree harvesting, watering, fishing, etc.).

    Sun Haven also has 3 different towns, all roughly the size of Stardew Valley (the main town is bigger though).

    Which leads me into my only real complaint. You will have a farm in all 3 towns, with their own houses, crops, barn animals, and quests. If you play alone, it’s kind of a lot to manage. It’s just my wife and I that play, but if I played on my own, I would probably only focus on one town at a time, which feels weird. I’d rather the game introduce something like a familiar that can slowly take care of things while I’m gone doing other stuff.

  • Tulsa native here. I never learned about it in school, even in the early '00s. I was a grown ass adult before I really learned about it and everything that happened. Notably, it was always called the “Tulsa Race Riots” to downplay the atrocities. The street in Greenwood was renamed to Reconciliation Way.

    In my memory, that district never had anything going for it until recently, nobody cared. It’s been awesome to see it start to flourish. (I am not a lawyer) I really hope something can be done for the plaintiffs here, if it doesn’t fit the public nuisance law, surely there is something for the people directly affected by the events?

  • To my shame, I’m still deeply ingrained in the Google ecosystem. I settled on it like 8-10 years ago and I’m not sure how to dig myself out of this pit. More than Chrome, I heavily use Docs, Sheets, Drive, Wallet, YouTube, Gmail, I even have a Pixel (I hate how bloated Samsung is).

    I’ve used Firefox a little for work because of the nice containers feature. Is Google Drive bad too? It’s so easy to share things, I torrent a lot of books and I’ve shared with a bunch of friends, idk if there’s an alternative that others could easily use.