• 13 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023


  • Didn’t believe this at first. I’m in the Deep South and I often wondered why there were so few homeless black people when they’re 23% of the population. Had put it down to stronger family bonds, my only guess.

    The poster is talking about “households” and “families”, but the numbers are about what I found for individuals. Black population: 13.6%. Black homeless: 40%. Those numbers agree across a wide range of sites I visited. So this is blown up to make a point that’s bad enough with real numbers.

    “Racialized housing deprivation”?! What a stupid, made-up word. We already have “systemic racism”. It’s a perfect fit and exactly what’s going on here. If black people had a level playing field in the job market, they’d have money and homes. And that leads to one of my racism stories.

    I’m white, total white bread name, something like Brian Collins, middle name is totally “black”. Couldn’t get a job, even postings I was overqualified for. Finally found the issue with my resume. Changed my email to drop the middle name. After a month with zero replies, next week had 3 interviews and 2 offers.

  • We are agreed! I stick to liberal or unbiased gun content, and that’s not hard to do. But I’m well aware of all the macho, kill 'em all, Punisher logo type bullshit out there.

    Maybe that’s partly what I’m getting at? Just seems like guns were a tool when I was a kid. Nothing to puff one’s chest about.

    As to mass media, yeah, shit really seems to have gone off the rails after Columbine. Maybe that’s my age and life experience talking, but I don’t remember much of anything before that.

    Sure, there was Charles Whitman unloading from the Austin clock tower, but that was news precisely because it was so unheard of.

  • Tough on the couple involved, and even though the decision tastes foul, I think I agree.

    While a citizen “certainly has a fundamental right to marriage” Barrett said, “it is a fallacy to leap from that premise to the conclusion that United States citizens [do not] have a fundamental right that can limit how Congress exercises the nation’s sovereign power to admit or exclude foreigners.” [Emphasis mine]

    Else we could all flood Texas and marry immigrants into the country, bypassing the government’s decisions and responsibility.

    tl;dr: Getting a marriage license doesn’t usurp Congress’ power.

    Marriage and immigration is such a clusterfuck. Only reason my wife is here, free and clear, is that she was married to her American ex for 2+ years. Done deal. She’s not a citizen and never needs to be to stay here forever. I’m fine with that. Without that previous marriage, who knows? She’d either be going through immigration hell or already be deported back to the Philippines.

    Going through immigration hell right now, trying to get her youngest over here.

  • Had a buddy at work like this. Whole family was staunch Southern Baptists. Having said that, they were some of the finest people I’ve ever known. Really.

    We were talking religion one day and he brought up the, “Jesus coming back any minute” thing. I think we started on global warming, which he seemed to think was some sort of conspiracy, and in any case, didn’t matter because the world was ending soon.

    “You realize contemporary Christians in Jesus’ time believed he was coming back at ‘any minute’? They expected him back in their lifetimes. It’s right there in the Bible. And so is the bit about not knowing the day or hour, ‘I will come like a thief in the night.’ Jesus’ own words. Do you not believe the man’s own words?”

    “So don’t you think it’s kinda arrogant, thinking our generation is so special that Jesus will grace us? Cause people have been waiting for 2,000-years, thinking they were special, and they weren’t.”

    Obviously that wasn’t the exact discussion, but I set out all those points at once. He was nonplussed, to say the least. Especially the part about “thief in the night” and not believing Jesus’ own words.

    Anyway, I guess I’m rambling. But the only way to turn people around is a solid sit-down like him and I had. And notice I didn’t steam roll him with facts? I appealed to some emotion in there. (That doesn’t really come across in text.)