It’s rumored Jeffries was instrumental in the congestion pricing delay (that may now be a permanent delay).
It’s rumored Jeffries was instrumental in the congestion pricing delay (that may now be a permanent delay).
If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.
Another issue with roads is that they divide up animal populations since many won’t cross roads at all, making the populations less genetically diverse. The book, Traffication delves into this topic.
Yeah, it would have just been feeding their infinitely expandable persecution fetish. The same goes for the legal cases against Trump. It was the right thing to do, but it just meant that Trump supporters dug in their heels even more.
My bad. Hopefully we’ll see a follow up where she has surely come to her senses.
It’s the LA Times, a highly credible publication. In any case, no need to fabricate when reality supplies ample material.
Silver linings and all of that. Lake is a real piece of work and now a two-time loser.
The irony being that healthy teeth don’t look anywhere near that white.
It’s not just men that believe this either. Internalised misogyny is still a thing, unfortunately.
Nah, it’s definitely him. It looks to be an error in the caption. Or his lawyer looks uncannily like his client.
It can work if it’s combined with batteries. And heat pumps are a no brainer, even in cold regions.
Life imitating art. And it’s unsurprising that these people have the maturity of teenage boys.
I stopped playing online games some years back because this sort of thing was far too common. And I bet it’s even worse now.
This is pretty much it. The disengaged public needs simple, three-word slogans and they need to stick on message, relentlessly (and it needs to connect emotionally as you said).
And while it goes against every instinct of those who are college educated, you need to say things with over the top confidence. Hedging makes sense in the academic world, but average people trust people with excessive confidence.
I have been reading a lot more since the 2016 result. It wasn’t the only reason, but it was a major one (especially non-fiction).
This is good for america because reasons.
People with lifted pickup trucks can now go into even more debt, so they can flex on the “poors” (while complaining about their “economic anxiety”).
You can actually play from the UI too, but it’s not particularly nice to use (or intended to be used that way).
Another issue is that zwave isn’t available in all countries (or it is but uses incompatible frequencies) so it’s less useful outside the big markets.
I’ll add pinchflat as an alternative with the same aim.
It was mostly the girls doing that, and they haven’t gone as hard right.