Onno (VK6FLAB)

Anything and everything Amateur Radio and beyond. Heavily into Open Source and SDR, working on a multi band monitor and transmitter.

#geek #nerd #hamradio VK6FLAB #podcaster #australia #ITProfessional #voiceover #opentowork

  • 16 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 4th, 2024

  • I found that it didn’t all come off on the first attempt. I used a cool shower and washed it off. Soap didn’t seem to help, but if I recall, it was a few years ago, sorbolene did help wash it off.

    Ultimately it’s likely still in your pores and causing grief. I was still pulling hairs off days later.

    I didn’t need an immediate result, so not quite the perilous journey that you are experiencing.

    Good luck.

  • As a young and naive teenager I hitchhiked from Enschede to Breda in the Netherlands.

    At one point I was dropped off at the flyover intersection between two freeways in the middle of nowhere - inasmuch as that is actually possible in the Netherlands.

    I stood there with my thumb up for quite a while and looking around me considered just how much humanity had interfered and interacted with the landscape, roads, lights, fences, dikes, pastures, crops, all around as far as the eye could see.

    In stark contrast, I now live in Australia and you can drive between where I live in Perth and an inland city, Kalgoorlie, about 600 km away. Pull over on the side of the road between towns and walk 50m off the road and there’s a good chance that you’re the first person to stand there in a century, if not a millennium or ever.

  • It’s a package management system in the same way that Flatpack, yum, apt-get, snap and dozens of others are.

    If you use MacOS and Linux, it’s not inconceivable that you might want to use the same package management system across both.

    I’ve used it, didn’t particularly warm to it and didn’t install it on my most recent MacOS install after it shat all over itself on a previous installation.

    I didn’t know that it was available for Linux. Not tempted to try.

    I’m a firm believer in apt-get and failing that, Docker with side journeys into podman.

  • Yes, and some days it even acknowledges that there are humans living outside of New York, or even beyond the United States.

    Perhaps you might expand your game “design” team to include people outside those sitting in the same office.

    At the rate you’re going, we are enjoying it less every day.

  • I had no access to or use of a car until I was around 23. Up to that point I lived in a country where you could cycle for most of your daily routine, take the bus a couple of times a month and the train sporadically.

    I moved to a country where cycling was for the poor and foolhardy, me for several years, and public transport was atrocious.

    Public transport has marginally improved, my bicycle hasn’t been used for 20+ years and our household has one car.

    Learning to drive is a process. It takes time. Just like learning to fly a plane takes time. If you have a need to drive, learning how is step one. In my country even when you pass your test, you are required to keep a logbook for at least two years and drive in a variety of conditions before you can actually upgrade your probationary licence.

  • Well, that and radio waves:

    With the publication of “A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field” in 1865, Maxwell demonstrated that electric and magnetic fields travel through space as waves moving at the speed of light. He proposed that light is an undulation in the same medium that is the cause of electric and magnetic phenomena. The unification of light and electrical phenomena led to his prediction of the existence of radio waves. Maxwell is also regarded as a founder of the modern field of electrical engineering.

  • What will it take until people get it through their thick skulls that ChatGPT isn’t intelligent, doesn’t learn and is a tool that can only generate plausible gibberish.

    Using the same tools to detect such gibberish will give you more gibberish.

    Garbage in, Garbage out has been true since the difference engine, it’s just that today the garbage smells like English words, still garbage, but not knowledge, intelligence or anything like it.

    The machine learning approach for building models, used to produce so called large language models like ChatGPT is also used to create weather forecasting models that are bigger, better and orders of magnitude faster than available until now.

    The tools have changed life, but I’m unconvinced that it’s a suitable, sustainable or realistic way to create artificial intelligence, despite claims to the contrary.

  • You need to make an effort to put yourself in places where you can meet people. Often this takes the form of finding a community with a common interest. This could be a hobby, a lecture, a course, book club, gardening, etc.

    Other places where you meet people can be a workplace, a volunteering effort, social gatherings like listening to a band, orchestra or a play.

    You can go to the local coffee shop and spend time there watching people. If you do this regularly, you’re likely to meet people whom you can talk to and interact with.

    If you already know people, acquaintances, then organise or participate in activities with them.

    Social media is an add-on to life, not life itself.

    The way to make friends is essentially finding ways to interact with other humans, preferably in places where you like to enjoy yourself.