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  • 95 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • yesman@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldnon vegan pizza time
    6 hours ago

    This is ironic because the argument concedes vegan ideology, it’s just attacks them for not doing more. At this point the carnists are not really arguing, they’re negotiating terms of surrender.

    Most meat consumers already suspect vegans are right. We get aggravated because we’d rather ignore that question. And a vegan threatens to force the issue, even in our own mind. If you’ve ever wondered why vegans inspire automatic hostility, ridicule, and derision it’s because they threaten a carnists identity as a good person just by existing.

  • Personnel is much more apples to apples. Comparing spending between two nations muddies the waters.

    I assume you’re commenting on US spending, but consider that other countries don’t have to pay US wages and benefits to it’s soldiers, contractors, and manufacturers. If we could buy our weapons from India, recruit our soldiers from China, and build ships in S.Korea our defense budget would be much smaller without having to ration a single fighterjet.

    Did you know that we spend almost 4X as much on social programs than we do on the military today?

  • The Haganah could disavow the Irgun (and the Stern Gang) with the same credibility that the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corp could disavow Hezbollah.

    Menachem Begin, who led Irgun also founded Likud and as the sixth Prime Minister of Israel was in command of the IDF . So yes, many people (including the US) considered Irgun a terrorist organization, that didn’t put it and it’s leaders outside the mainstream of Israeli military, politics, or government. Besides, it’s crimes during the Mandate and Nakba always served the Zionist cause, and even if the Haganah or “Consultancy” didn’t approve or order their actions, they were happy to take the benefit, and occasionally the credit.