Why don’t (or maybe they do, and I’m ignorant) FNs build green energy projects on their lands?

I get the traditional use thing. I also get that there’s generally not a lot of capital on their end. However, there are a lot of incentives out there to promote green energy. By building green energy plants on their land, they eventually could get to a place where they own the grid, or could be a distributor of power. Further, they would get to dictate where and what parts of their lands are disturbed, rather than having some jack ass ram a pipeline through their territory.

  • Track_ShovelOP
    10 months ago

    I was reading a bit about this after I posted.

    One of the issues is the regulations permitting them to connect to the grid. The subsidies that they are only eligible to them if they connect to the grid, and there’s a ton of issues in doing just that.

    Why do you think there would be higher scrutiny on FN land? every project has communities of interest (COIs) and they have differing requirements.