Eternal September is when influx from some other (often shittier and collapsing) platform overwhelms the unique culture that existed before, and in time fully replaces it. Destroying what existed before.

🧠 💭 Figure out strategies & actions in comments below … participate!

For example, I introduced 2 hashtags for awareness:

  • #AvoidEternalSeptember Raise attention to the culture clash.
  • #DonateToFediInstances Help admins and moderators withstand the influx and give them your support.

We want to be gentle, welcoming to newcomers. Show them around. But also keep having the nice chattering and culture we had before, and maybe give those some extra boosts to exemplify and spread the vibes.

Here’s a poll to make newcomers aware that taking Twitter culture with you on the Fediverse is just weird.

Fedizens… Be strategical in how you toot to help avoid that from happening

  • Strypey
    32 years ago

    @humanetech I’m testing Mastodon-to-Lemmy posting so I’ll keep this short. I think we’ve had enough small waves of refugees from datafarming platforms to have prepared us for a much bigger one. Those who want to keep their small country pub experience can mute or block any account or instance that threatens to spoil that for them. There will be growing pains but I think the pros of mainstream use outweigh the cons.

    #Lemmy #fediverse #EternalSeptember