• non-diegetic screams
    81 year ago

    You never answered what, specifically, is the difference between a Marxist-leninist and a “tankie”.

    Do you understand that a Marxist-leninist is a specific tendency?

    If communism isn’t in opposition to the capitalist hegemony of the west, what is it?

    • Dan
      11 year ago

      Communism is a different economic theory.

      tankies are opposed to every single thing about the west. If Joe Biden said that pizza tasted good, tankies would stop eating it.

        • Dan
          11 year ago

          I said weird communists. Communists who are less concerned with communism and more concerned with a stupid, simplistic, geographic theory of international politics.

          • non-diegetic screams
            91 year ago

            So tankies are communists?

            What is a tendency that understands international politics better? What theory have you read recently that you recommend?

            • Dan
              11 year ago

              international politics is complicated. No one perspective is right, especially not one as simplistic as “west bad Russia good China good”

              • non-diegetic screams
                91 year ago

                So you aren’t informed enough to have any answer?

                If “tankies” are communists (as you’ve said), and you’re opposed to tankies, aren’t you an anti-communist?

                • Dan
                  11 year ago

                  I gave you an answer, you just can’t comprehend the concept of engaging in critical thinking instead of following a one-sentence philosophy.

                  Tankies are a weird type of communist who doesn’t care about communism. I don’t care about communism much, myself. I think Tankies are dumb as hell for their shitty international political perspective. I still don’t care about communism in general, it’s a fine economic and political theory that hasn’t ever really been executed, I’d be curious to see it happen. I’m not an anti-communist, or a pro-communist, or even a US apologist, there are plenty of legitimate criticisms of the US, but tankies are just so god damn stupid, acting like the US is the source of all evil and Putin is a fucking saint, it’s really ridiiculous.

                  • non-diegetic screams
                    91 year ago

                    If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.

                    Do you understand that you’re just a garden variety western liberal? If you don’t oppose the horrific oppression of the U$, then you are materially supporting it.

                    Your smug self-righteousness is pathetic.

              • non-diegetic screams
                81 year ago

                Real quick, totally separate thing, just for my personal curiosity:

                When was the last time you read a book? Like, the whole thing?

                • Dan
                  11 year ago

                  my god, tankies just assume everybody who disagrees with them is a total idiot. my god, fuck off.

                  • non-diegetic screams
                    101 year ago

                    Now now, that’s just mean. I thought all you liberal types worshipped polite debate.

                    … Does that mean you haven’t read anything lately?