Before the invasion, the Russian far-right was mostly marginalised on the fringes of society, argues Aleksandar Đokić, a Serbian political scientist and former lecturer at RUDN University in Moscow. But now “we have come to the point where we can justifiably claim that the damage done by Putin’s mafia regime has led to a full-fledged Nazification of Russia.”

  • anji
    1 year ago

    Projection is one of the signature tools used by modern far-right movements. No matter if it’s the US, European countries or Russia, all of them loudly and continuously accuse their opponents of problems which happen in their own political sphere.

    “The left is destroying marriage!” - the people who elected Trump

    “Kyiv are Nazis!” - the people who actually invaded Ukraine

    “The EU is hurting our economy!” - the people who engineered Brexit

    And so on.

    Edit: Perhaps I wouldn’t call the UK conservatives “far-right” quite yet, but you get my point…