• Brendan Jones
    13 months ago

    @jlou Can you expand on number 3? Distributing resources and/or capital for investment is the part of economic democracy for which I’ve never quite seen a good solution.

    I’ve read Schweickart, Dahl, Olin Wright and Hahnel and none of their proposed systems are that great IMHO.


    • J Lou
      13 months ago

      Based on ideas of Dmytri Kleiner and Glen Weyl. The commune’s members lease all their capital from the commune. This is structured for minimal administration from the commune. Each member coop self-assesses a price for their capital. They pay a recurring fee on that price. The member is required to transfer the capital to anyone that pays the self-assessed price. With the right percentage, the incentives to over-assess and under-assess cancel out. The fee can be used to invest in coops @memes