Founder of, now busy with other projects :)

  • 7 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 22nd, 2022


  •*Permanently Deleted*
    21 days ago

    “Random” events of “evil”. Basically I think we’ll never reach something like 0 murders, 0 rapes, 0 stealing for little greed and so on. Or even 0 addiction (edit: i’m not including addiction to the previous list of crimes, i wanted to add it as another class of issues for we will never reach a true 0)

    We are very very far from the ideal situation tho, there is a looot of margin of improvement

    Like your alcohol thing in the post: ban only makes it worse and still now you (as US, not you OP) have a very weird relationship with alcohol with the thing that minors cannot touch it and people have to drink from a paper bag lol. Let’s say that you are not really trying hard to improve the situation. We’ll never reach 0 alcoholists but society is not in a good shape and alcohol is cheap so ye

  • Maybe it’s sharing public keys in person time again

    Honestly i’d like something that focuses on this rather than trying once again to be WhatsApp/telegram but secure

    The police already can easily know my irl social circle but I still don’t want to let them know when and why I talk to them

    Simplex was in a good direction then they took vc money while having startup status and they are aiming to replace other messengers

  • Not solarpunk themed but solarpunk inclined

    It’s kinda hard to define exactly what can pass and what can’t when solarpunk itself is yet not popularly defined

    Let’s say that the past title of the post was just not even solarpunk inclined, pushing markdown instead of bloat can kinda be

    It was all a grey area, and anyway no one gets banned for an off topic meme anyway

    Still, we’ll see how to be more clear, ty for the feedback