Hi all,

It’s been over a year and the folks hosting the XMPP Lemmy experiment at community.xmpp.net have asked us to start transitioning it to our own hosting.

I’m writing to see what the community would like to do, or if anyone wants to take over hosting? The instance was never very widely used, so I think we can probably shut it down safely as well without too much loss.

What do you think?

  • poVoqA
    211 months ago

    I think the most sensible option is to shut it down. Similar to the Discourse instance we had on joinjabber.org in the beginning, it just doesn’t get much use.

    For outreach it also makes more sense to join an existing ActivityPub platform like we did with our JJ account on the indieweb.social Mastodon instance.

    Maybe at some point a dogfooded Libervia based XMPP forum might be cool to have, but more as an example to show what is possible.

    Anyway… there are some existing XMPP communities on other Lemmy instances, so we can continue to share some XMPP related stuff there. I might set up a bot that re-posts from an RSS feed soon.