Edit: As I am in a rush to get this fixed I ended up doing a fresh install of Tumbleweed.

No idea, why this has happened. Just rebooted the computer after not having used it for a week or so and not all of a sudden not able to use the terminal at all. How do I go about troubleshooting this? Other terminals I’ve downloaded seem to be fine.

Any help appreciated.

    • Sunny' 🌻OP
      1 month ago

      Navigating here just makes my Dolphin freeze, im not sure why…

      edit: It opens each folder after about 5 min of waiting.

        • Sunny' 🌻OP
          21 month ago

          Hm that would be possible as I do mount one. But not sure why that would cause all the issues that was at hand. I’ve since reinstalled suse 🙃

          • @teawrecks@sopuli.xyz
            31 month ago

            Yeah, I’ve had a cifs share in my fstab before, mounting it to a folder in my home, and I took the PC off-site for a lan party, and just trying to ls my home dir took forever for some reason. Commenting it out and restarting fixed it all.

            Good luck with the new install!

      • @catloaf@lemm.ee
        21 month ago

        Does Konsole do that too? When’s the last time you ran a fsck, SMART test, or checked your SMART data?

        • Sunny' 🌻OP
          11 month ago

          Well this is a pretty new install, probably only a month old. But have not ran either of the commands you mentioned on this laptop.

        • Sunny' 🌻OP
          11 month ago

          Nope, almost a fresh install and barely used a week or so. Really don’t have a lot…