• Eheran@lemmy.world
    28 days ago

    So many men would be 500% more attractive

    To you, what about others or themselves?

    • Apytele@sh.itjust.works
      28 days ago

      …all of the above? They’re pretty standardized cosmetology concepts. I feel like you’re trying to make a “gotcha” a la modern cancel culture’s narrow understanding of beauty standards beyond pure capitalist sales tactics or even just a general philosophical overcomplication of a concept that’s actually pretty simple and widely applicable.

      There’s a lot of basic cosmetic / aesthetic concepts that are relatively stable even across time and cultures, but that are still widely applicable enough that you can account for narrower or subcultural variations.

      So for instance face shapes, like I said. Oval faces are gonna look good with the widest range of hair styles, but generally speaking large flat bangs or long unlayered hair are going to sit strangely on the proportions. As far as hairstyles go that barely even counts as specific, but it does help point you in an artistic direction that’s most likely to generate a pleasing result to most people.

      Now that last bit is where you seem like you want to quibble about (people on the internet LOVE to nitpick casually made absolute statements; its an extremely easy to learn logical concept that you can use to derail a wide variety of otherwise useful conversations) so I’d like to refocus this conversation on my original point:

      If you would like to be more broadly attractive to a wider range of people, here’s the general style guide from people who have a good eye for that kind of thing. If you’d rather just be an odd-shaped pot and sit around and wait for your lid, that’s completely fine too. Often those are some of the best relationships. The issue is a lot of people lack the introspective clarity to accept that weird shaped lids often take a while to find. A lot of these people become rather upset that there’s “no answer” to why it’s taking them so long to find someone when there absolutely is an answer, just not one that requires 0 effort from them.

      • Eheran@lemmy.world
        27 days ago

        I generally agree with you, but looks are a somewhat personal topic, hence my question.

        I do not think that clothing is in any way stable across time or cultures (taking out of my ass, just looking back and into other cultures).

        Same with beards etc. they change over time. What man specially need is to display status, it is irrelevant how that happens and has changed over time/location all over the place. It fundamentally attracts females.

        • flicker@lemmy.world
          27 days ago

          “Fundamentally attracts females” sounds like you get your advice from other men on the internet, and not the two women who are both attracted to men that you’re currently talking to.

          Example; my fiance has a gigantic beard. But! He trims the underside so it doesn’t grow out of his friggin throat, and he trims it down so it doesnt grow way up on his cheeks like a werewolf. He gets his hair cut regularly, and aside from that he just keeps all of it clean and free of tangles.

          On other men, this squarish beard would look terrible. But on him, it’s fantastic. He has a longer face, so this is what works for him. And it was advice I gave him (back when we were just friends).

          A dear friend of mine is an autistic gentleman who was having trouble dating online. I asked him some questions, figured out what he can and can’t do for his comfort, and then from there I helped him alter his clothing choices. Nothing expensive, just explained how to change his color choices to work with his skin and eyes! I advised him on how to care for his (very long, he has a sensory thing) hair, and then introduced him to fragrance. He dated two girls until he met his current girlfriend and they’ve been together a year and a half!

          Don’t get your advice from men who aren’t even attracted to men. When you want to know what’s attractive, find and ask the people who are capable of being attracted to you. Anyone else is just wasting your time. And the bottom line has nothing to do with expense or resources or wealth. The style that suits you could be as cheap as t-shirts and jeans you already own, as long as it’s the stuff that works with your appearance, not against.

          • Eheran@lemmy.world
            27 days ago

            Thank you for what you do/have done for them. I have been in that spot when I was younger.

            I think I see where/how we “disagree”. I talk generally about how attraction works, you specifically about individual persons and what specifics work for them. And I agree with what you say. I just want to add that fundamentally it is not about looks. Having an expensive looking sports car means you can ask random girls and many will just hop in. Do not forget that the average person is stupid and half the population is below average. Of course, looking good is the best way to get somewhere. Wearing a Rolex? Many girls like it, because it means $$$. Are you such a shallow person? I highly doubt it, you are on Lemmy, average persons do not even know about Lemmy. They do not know how to discuss things, many people straight up respond with their feelings. You are far away from average persons. But many are that shallow. Evolution needed them to be that way to be able to form societies. The same way most people blindly follow others, it does not work if everyone wants to lead. Maybe we will rise above this in the future.

    • flicker@lemmy.world
      28 days ago

      The rest of that sentence was, if those men find out what looks good on them. As in, on those individuals, specifically.

      This was the first time on Lemmy I had to suppress the knee-jerk urge to insult someone.

      Everyone can improve their appearance with education and effort. Everyone.

      • Apytele@sh.itjust.works
        28 days ago

        I had to suppress the knee-jerk urge to insult someone

        I appreciate you behaving; I’ve been trying to be a little better behaved online myself lately.