Alt text: an image of a poster with the text "Did you see: - A tent in the Wood? - Someone shoplifting? - A person sleeping in their car? No! You fucking didn’t! People are struggling, don’t make it worse

    379 months ago

    Shoplifting food? Yea probably struggling, I’m not saying shit.

    Shoplifting PS5 games? Yeaaaaa you’re probably just an asshole.

      -79 months ago

      Stealing ps5 games to be sold and buy food? Maximum ethicality.

      Remember, if a video game studio closes, no one would feel their presence missing. If food companies start closing? We’d literally starve!

    269 months ago

    I have never once met a shoplifter who was struggling or actually needed what they stole, ever. Most shoplifters I’ve met were kids from well-off families who felt entitled to anything they could get their hands on.

    • Xariphon
      229 months ago

      I literally used to steal to eat because I was that fucking poor.

      There, now you have.

        79 months ago

        He hasn’t met you.

        I am the richest man on the planet. You haven’t met the richest man on the planet.

        Anyone can claim anything on the internet, it would take the most gullible of people to believe everything they read. It’s weird that you expect him to be gullible.

          9 months ago

          There’s a 1 in 7 billion chance that you’re the richest mans on the internet.

          25% of Americans will experience food insecurity this year.

          I don’t trust you because I don’t trust you’re 1 in 7 billion, I trust them because I trust that if they’re not within the like 1/2 who have experienced food insecurity at some point in their lives, another lurker or two might be

      69 months ago

      Also depends on where and what. Kids I grew up around stole random crap from Forever 21 for fun. Grew up, met people who stole to fuel a drug addiction, like at big box stores with a bit more relaxed security. Then there’s commenters here who sound like they just take things they need.

      It really depends, but the one that sticks out to me is the kid who stole Pokemon cards from a place my wife retailed. That kid was just a straight entitled POS psychopath. Really, really takes all kinds.

      59 months ago

      The only people I know who shoplift are on welfare and surviving on about $500 per month for everything minus rent. So. Anecdotal evidence remains the weakest evidence.

    • punkisundead [they/them]M
      -19 months ago

      I feel like that says more about your social circle than about shoplifters, who are a pretty diverse group of people with really varying motivations for their actions.

      Most shoplifters I’ve met were kids […] who felt entitled to anything they could get their hands on.


    • Victoria
      139 months ago

      Shopliftung from ol’grannies corner shop: bad, she would probably give it to you for free if you asked.

      Shoplifting from Walmart: go for it

      • MustrumR
        79 months ago

        I wanted to say:

        “Shoplifting essentials from Walmart*”

        But on the second thought I condone any stealing from company that dodges taxes.

        Fuck them, go for and get back what’s yours.

        • MustrumR
          9 months ago

          Yeah he won’t. He’s there to uphold the law and whatever rich lobbying has written in it. Punishing someone lightly for that is the sensible part. Multitude of ways in which companies siphon out money from work of the people is not.

          So saying that to judge during one’s process would mean blatant disrespect to the law and result in going straight to jail.

          That being said until now we weren’t speaking about law though, but ethicality/public sentiment.

          Just in case I would like to remind the reader that law doesn’t define ethics. The fact that putting Jews into concentration camps was once legal on Germany doesn’t make it OK at the time. Neither the fact that harboring them was illegal didn’t make it unethical to do so.

          • @stabby_cicada
            99 months ago

            Now hold the fuck up. As a proud ex dumpster diver, there’s a significant moral distinction between taking things people own and taking things people don’t. When somebody throws something in the trash, they’re giving up ownership of it. They’re saying they don’t want it anymore. It either goes to trash or it goes to someone who can make use of it.

            And that can be illegal depending on local law, sure. But comparing dumpster diving to shoplifting is inaccurate and unfair.

            And for that matter, anarchism is not illegal. And the implication that all anarchists steal, vandalize, and break the law, is nothing but propaganda.

            And having written all this, I definitely think this sub should stay up, because solarpunk is anti-capitalist and radicals have long considered shoplifting an act of protest against capitalism - see “Steal This Book” for details on that. I just don’t think your comparison to those specific other subs is a very good one.

            • punkisundead [they/them]M
              39 months ago

              Hey I feel like you interpreted things into my comment I did not intend. Maybe thats due to my wording, so sorry about that.

              To me it seems like you are arguing against things I did not say and if you had given me the chance to explain why I choose those to communities, we probably would have had an easier time understanding each other because I agree with the general spirit of your comment.

              Also I hope you have the chance to get back to rescuing food and other stuff! (if thats something you diesire to do)

              • @stabby_cicada
                29 months ago

                Hi, no, thank you for responding and I apologize that I misunderstood and maybe came off too aggressive. It’s the internet, I don’t really expect people to respond to my comments, so my comments are mostly in the moment reactions rather than attempts to start a dialogue with the person I’m responding to. I suspect that’s a bad Reddit habit to unlearn :)

                Thank you and I wish you and this sub all the best!

            • punkisundead [they/them]M
              79 months ago

              It’s a growing instance and they will not do controversial removals unless absolutely necessary, because that could damage that growth.

              I feel like growth as a motivation is really not something that fits the solarpunk mindset / idea and I believe the folks here, especially the admin and the mods, have enough integrity to stay true to their values.

              If you are interested in the legality of dumster diving, this part of the wikipedia article on dumpster diving focuses on that. In most places where dumpster diving is legal, the trespassing committed to actually get to the dumpsters is not legal.

            • poVoqA
              9 months ago

              Of course they won’t address it. It’s a growing instance and they will not do controversial removals unless absolutely necessary, because that could damage that growth.

              That is not exactly what I said in the DM ;) I do not plan to grow this instance beyond say 1k MAU or so and will rather close registrations completely.

              I am slightly wary of this community, as it has the potential for a lot of unnecessary drama (as seen in similar communities on other websites), but only discussing shoplifting is IANAL not illegal and I personally find shoplifting not morally objectionable if done by poor people trying to somehow make ends meet (and the target is a large corporation or so).

              But I think it might make sense to clarify the community rules of /c/shoplifting a bit to make it more clear what type of contributions are actually preferred.

              • punkisundead [they/them]M
                19 months ago

                I am slightly wary of this community, as it has the potential for a lot of unnecessary drama (as seen in similar communities on other websites),

                tbh that’s something I am unsure on how to approach. I would this to be a community where folks can celebrate shoplifting (as I stated in another comment) and at the same time I don’t want to cause you and other server admins and other communities on this instance trouble with that. If you or others have any suggestions regarding this I would love to hear them. (Also in private messages if that’s preferred.) At some point I will also try to make a post in ! about this

                • poVoqA
                  49 months ago

                  “celebrate” seems an odd word in this context, but I do think our society needs to “normalize” that people need their basic needs covered one way or the other. If we as a society fail to provide the weakest with what is needed (despite surplus being available), we can’t really complain about them trying to take it themselves. And this shouldn’t be seen as charity, but rather as a human right.

  • punkisundead [they/them]M
    9 months ago

    btw this was done by an artist named TheREALFlyDog who is currently fundraising for their medical needs. check out their linktree

    59 months ago

    Yeah no. Not going to encourage or enable a society of looters. If we are looking for justice let’s start eating the super rich.

    29 months ago

    As long as it’s from extremely wealthy companies that engage in wage theft and union busting cough cough WALMART cough, and not from small local places that would let you pay them a week later if they knew you.