• FiveOPMA
    9 months ago

    I like where you’re going.

    Roles drift as society changes, and I don’t think it is necessary for the investigator to be the same as the police - in many ways it might be better if their roles are partitioned. Some of the greatest crimes of the century were investigated by journalists, not police detectives. When Daniel Ellsberg uncovered the conspiracy to pillage Vietnam, he delivered the evidence to The Washington Post and New York Times. When the US President broke into his rival’s headquarters, it was Woodward and Bernstein that listened to witnesses and investigated the crime. Crime on a much smaller scale are also the purview of journalists, especially when the police are incapable of doing their jobs. Mexican beat reporters are instrumental in performing the investigative functions typically associated with police work. It is not unheard of in other countries either. In a world where people can do whatever they want, why wouldn’t many of them turn to solving mysteries?