
  • 254 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • You’re the fascist enabler for enabling genocide you genocidaire imperialist idiot. Trump or Biden, the US will march its lapdogs in my country’s government into a war we don’t want. Our people will die regardless. At least under Biden YOU won’t be the immediate target of genocide. And that’s all you fucking idiots care about isn’t it. You don’t see how Biden’s genocide elsewhere in the world is marching genocide to your own homes in the future.

  • First of all, racism comes from a system of privilege. Jews can only be racist insofar as they have assimilated themselves into a system of privilege, whether whiteness or Zionism. What privilege do I have? The privilege of being bombed by your great leader? Idiotic.

    Second, y’all refuse to condemn Biden. He’s sending weapons for commiting a genocide and all you can say is that “he’s not doing enough” or “Trump is worse.” THAT’S THE POINT. You have no choice but to choose genocide but you beat drums for genocide anyway as if you all want it. There’s no “oh shit I don’t want to vote for genocide.” No, it’s all imperialism. No sense of tragedy at all.

  • It’s your racist genocidaire country that plunders mine. I’m not even white, stop with this reverse racism bullshit. Racism is an entire system of privilege, not a call out. Literally, no matter who wins, Wall Street will continue to plunder my country. All I ask is that you recognize the tragedy in that, but all you entitled freaks do is call for us exploited to speak politely. Excuse me, politeness is the least of my concerns. Your country is promoting genocide and plunder across the world. I could care less if I’m polite.

    This is the absurdity facing politics today: to recognize inhumanity, you get called out for being a racist.

  • There is no difference to me if Trump or Biden gets elected. No matter who wins, you genocidaires will continue to plunder my country. You refuse to recognize the tragedy in that.

    Who do you think will speak out for you when fascism will come for you if you refuse to speak out or hold any minimum accountability for those in power? There will be none left to speak for you.

  • I think you’re fundamentally misunderstanding that social relationships to harm are fundamentally changed under conditions of anarchy. I apologize for the misunderstanding as writing on obscure forums doesn’t exactly encourage me to write with vigor.

    Of course there would be a plurality of violence under conditions of anarchy, but this does not fundamentally mean the rule of vigilantism. Right now, people have been dealing with harm without the state for generations. These are found in criminalized communities like Black and Indigenous people, people who use drugs, people who engage in sex work, etc. These people develop mechanisms by which to deal with harm without the state and oftentimes without engaging in vigilantism. For these people, vigilantism is not a court of first resort but a last resort. Vigilantism puts a target on their back from the state. Instead, they talk it out, develop safety plans, plan boycotts and bans, etc.

    Rather than thinking of justice in anarchic terms as vigilantism, think of it in terms of people dealing with harm and conflict in healthy ways.

  • MambabasaOPMtoAntiworkSome clarifications on antiwork
    3 months ago

    The reason why it is called antiwork is because the goal of the socialist movement from 200 years ago is the self-abolition of the working class through self-liberation. Antiwork means workers against their own workerness, “anti-workerness” if you will, hence “antiwork.” And what does anti-workerness mean? It means workers against wage-labor, division of labor, alienation, et cetera. Hence antiwork is a shorthand for anti-workerness and all that that implies.