It’s such a neat concept that can make certain expensive services like lawyers or therapists more accessible. I could trade a few hours gardening, sewing, cleaning, or baking, for someone else to give me a hand building a larger project. It’s a beautiful way to connect a community through acts of service 🥰

    1 year ago

    I’m disabled and like this idea. Obviously folks with disabilities aren’t monolithic and I can’t speak for everyone. Certainly there are more disabled than me. But I like the idea because it values time equally rather than valuing ability. Disabled folk are often relegated into shitty jobs with low wages because no one else wants those jobs and disabled folk often can’t get traditional roles due to lacking the ablebodiedness to perform them. This way disabled folk can do anything within their ability and an hour of their time is just as valued as an hour of an able bodied person.

    Could it use some improvements? Of course! But I think it’s far and away a better system than what we have currently which not only devalues disabled folk but actively oppresses us.