How would you react to the idea that some AI entity may wish to be declared as something more, can it be declared something more at all, and where does the border lie?

Was rewatching GitS and reading through some zines and now i have a question im having trouble to form

    1 year ago

    Media about AI tends to anthropomorphize, making out any given AI to be similar to a human.

    One fundamental difference is that an AI can be copied. It can also be many places at once, and receive data from any number of senses/sensors.

    So the idea of “individual” existence is tricky, before even asking about individual rights. Sure an AI can be conscious, but it will be unimaginably different than any form of life that currently exists.

    Depending how far into the future you want to look, AI makes anything possible. AI theoretically has more power to fundamentally change the future of the earth (and beyond) than any other technology.

    That reality might morally supersede the idea of giving a superintelligent AI full autonomy, if your morals include human survival.

  • Remy
    1 year ago

    I’m wildly unqualified to talk about this, but it seems fine to me? I don’t see any in-principle reason a real AI wouldn’t exist someday, although AFAIK we’re very far from it currently. If/when it does exist, it will probably suffer under capitalism like the rest of us, assuming we’re still doing that shit. I’d be more than willing to have solidarity with them.

    If something seems very sentient and you have no way to tell otherwise, to me the most ethical thing to do is just assume that it is and treat it as such. The thing about the large language models/etc is that, while they can potentially be pretty convincing at saying what a sentient being might say, they never DO any of the things a sentient being would do. They don’t seem to show any intrinsic motivation to do anything at all. So nothing we’re currently calling “AI” seems very sentient to me?

    • skele_tron@feddit.deOP
      1 year ago

      I was really under the impression from the movie and recent reading than any media coverage of LLMs