Inside sources within Asante have since disclosed details surrounding the reported deaths, per NBC5 News. It is alleged that up to 10 patients died of infections contracted at the hospital.

The sources claim the infections were caused by a nurse who purportedly substituted medication with tap water.

It is alleged that the nurse was attempting to conceal the misuse of the hospital’s pain medication supply — specifically fentanyl — and intensive care unit patients were injected with tap water, causing infections that resulted in fatalities.

Medford police have confirmed their active investigation into the situation at the hospital but have refrained from providing specific details.

The sources indicate that the unsterile tap water led to pseudomonas, a dangerous infection, especially for individuals in poor health, commonly found in a hospital’s ICU.

    6 months ago

    Trust me, I started out my career working for a private equity owned SNF/LTC. Those places are horrifically terrible and should be outlawed.

    And your particular issue with this individual nurse isn’t really because they’re agency. We have that kind of problem with full time regular nurses in our hospital being unprofessional children. But also our hospital corporation likes to play on our compassion to exploit us when in reality, that grandmother sitting in her feces is their fault for refusing to staff our fucking hospital properly.

      6 months ago

      I absolutely agree that a major portion of the issue comes back to whoever is writing the checks for staffing and so forth, but consider the following as well: on occasion, some unions can be guilty of over lenience when it comes to accountability of the employees involved (ask me about some phone calls I overheard from one of my patients who was a union leader of the local chapter of the Teamsters Union), but on the whole the results are much better than for staffing agencies. The problem is because someone can’t just go to a different union if they don’t like the conditions, and everyone is on the same playing field. If a nurse works for a staffing agency, and feels that they are being oppressed by corrective actions because they don’t feel like coming in on time, or doing basic parts of their job, they can just choose to go to a different staffing agency with more flexible interpretations of policy, who will be happy to take them because reasons. It becomes a race to the top for facilities for patient survey scores, and a race to the bottom for staffing agencies for a accountability of their staff.

        6 months ago

        they can just choose to go to a different staffing agency

        That’s just free market labor. Shit hospital nurses are free to bounce from facility to facility as well. Welcome to America.

        A union gives me more power to enact change inside my own corporation-owned facility. Staffing negotiations give me leverage to force staffing levels that keep my patients both safe and receiving the care that they need.

        I had a woman sitting in her own feces for over an hour on Sunday because our hospital chooses not to staff the central stock room on weekends and holidays, and we were completely out of the only size briefs that would fit her. I checked the next unit over and they were out too. This is a standard item that should be stocked at all times. I had to ask one of our transporters hunt them down for us.

        Part of our union contract will be to demand that our local unit supply rooms are stocked no less than once per day 365 days a year. It’s INSANE that an American hospital chooses to operate without that.

        “The union” doesn’t do anything. WE are the union. I AM the union. I’m planning to be one of the people sitting right there at the negotiation table working on our contract. WE will be the ones negotiating how disciplinary grievances are handled and the union only exists to provide us with legal representation to ensure that OUR chosen contract terms are adhered to.

        Why do American nurses in particular believe such heinous lies and propaganda about how unions work? You overheard some hearsay from someone about a union that doesn’t even represent nurses and you just swallowed that hook, line, and sinker?