• Nightwingdragon@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    The Far Right poses an increasingly severe threat to any minority community. Their goal is to literally whitewash America and ensure that minorities understand that they are no longer welcome, to say the least.

    And even if you’re white you’re not safe.

    • Are you a woman? The GOP attacks on women have been long documented, along with their goals of turning the Handmaid’s Tale into a reality.
    • Are you Jewish? Attacks against the Jewish community have quintupled.
    • Are you married to a minority? In their eyes, you’re a race-traitor and “poisoning the blood” of this country.
    • Are you under 18? The GOP want to gimp your education, up to and including the right to an education at all.
    • Are you gay? The GOP’s crusade against the LGBT community has been well documented as well.

    Remember the “First they came…” poem. No matter who you are, you fall somewhere in that poem. Once the GOP run out of minorities to target, they will come for you.

    • Zombiepirate@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      Well said.

      The far right is an engine that runs on hatred distilled from fearing minorities. They aren’t ever gonna shut that engine down, so they have to constantly make new targets for the rage machine to burn.

    • Nougat@kbin.social
      5 months ago

      A couple of weeks ago, I came to the realization that I - an old white guy who probably doesn’t get much of a second glance from the fascists - have a special responsibility to be prepared to protect people who are being sidelined, by whatever means necessary. So far, those means have only amounted to showing up to prevent the school board from being overtaken by crazy people, and making sure the library district is supported against book ban fucks. Thankfully, I live in an (albeit rural) area where progressives are fairly well organized, so I’m not at all on my own.

      Anyway - I am fully aware that “protecting people” will also mean more than just being politically active, and could well mean I have to put myself in harm’s way. I’m not standing down from that. That’s not an available option for everyone, and if it’s not for you, your being engaged with your community will enable and empower people like me to take that on.

      I think that before the year is out, a whole lot of people are going to have to do things they never imagined they’d have to do

      • Promethiel@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        As a person of color with the physical and mental capacity to go through the “Bad case scenario” that I desperately would very much fucking rather not, I thank you for the kind reminder that this is really about “The Helpers” and the “The Takers”.

        They say all that evil rhetoric to rile their base, but I don’t think they realize that in some, they are slowly increasing the fear that we’ll have to be the monsters they paint us out of a need for survival.

    • gravitas_deficiency@sh.itjust.works
      5 months ago
      • Are you atheist? The Nationalist Christian Dominionists are not gonna like that at all.
      • Are you even slightly to the left of them in political terms? Congratulations - as far as the GOP is concerned, you’re an ANTIFA terrorist.

      For real - it’s about time that people start seriously considering community defense options (as in: firearms, relevant training, emergency supplies, and discussions of and plans for trying to keep your community safe between you and your neighbors) as a hedge against the neo-browncoats we’ll surely be subjected to if Trump wins in November. I very fucking much hope that I’m being hyperbolic and none of that becomes necessary… but as they say, better to have it and not need it than the other way around.