Back in the good old days of gaming of 2011, back when BioWare was blowing people’s minds with the Mass Effect trilogy, they had community forums. A place where fans of Dragon Age and Mass Effect could gather and speculate about what happens next. Or, pester the developers for whatever romance they believed should be in the next game.

And then, after the release of Mass Effect 3, they promptly erased their forums and moved all discussions to Twitter. This effectively silenced many discussions, because by nature, Twitter is an algorithmic beast that prioritizes only certain things.

With the collapse of web2, Twitter especially, I wonder if they might bring those forums back.

BioWare, if you’re reading this, bring back the forums!

    1 year ago

    I think it movement to some sort of social media is pretty much inevitable. I don’t think I’ve ever played a game where the forums are more active than reddit/twitter.

    Paradox still maintains their forum and advertises them but lots of their players still congregate in the game subreddits instead.