• @Sanctus@lemmy.world
    15914 days ago

    Well yeah one are peaceful protestors, the other is armed. Cops get scared when someone else can fight back on an even playing field. Even if that somebody is a horrible monster murdering children. They didn’t join the force to protect people they joined so people had to do what they say.

    • @cerement
      8514 days ago

      “To protect capital and serve the upper class.”

      • @Sanctus@lemmy.world
        4514 days ago

        It was actually ruled they exist to protect property. So you aren’t far off from the truth. We live in backwards land. The changes were so imperceptible, that we didn’t even notice them replacing the sky with the ground.

        • Imperceptible to someone completely ignoring history and the world around them, sure!

          The concept of state sponsored police in the US originated in slave hunting gangs. The US never changed since the beginning.

          To your point though there is an incredible amount of brainwashing. Your average North Korean is less brainwashed than Americans, at least they know what other countries have.

          Americans think they are the last beacon of civilization and the developed world is in ruins when it’s literally the other way around lmao.

          • @Riven@lemmy.dbzer0.com
            14 days ago

            I want to agree with you but you’re wrong about n koreans. They may know their government is shit and are unable to change it but I doubt they truly know all of what other countries have. They don’t even have access to the internet unless they’re the top 1 percent there. At most they have access to their intranet and state sponsored television content. They even censor jeans in their media.

          • @Sanctus@lemmy.world
            14 days ago

            You’re right about the police. I got a little off topic with the backwards land thing there and generalized everything because it seems every where you look now shit is fucked up.

          • Nah, this only a half truth. Europe is a fantastic place, free health care un most of the countries. But go to a poorer country like Mexico, and you’ll see people living in poorly constructed sheds.

            When you see that kind of stuff, that’s when you realize how fucking rich and well off the U.S. actually is. The poorest of the poor in the U.S. (excluding homeless) are generally better off than the poor in other countries. Not discounting the struggles of the poor in the U.S. (I grew up dirt poor).

            But the thing is, we had running water, toilets, and a place to wash our clothes. There are places that have none of that, and not even access to clean drinking water.

            Does the U.S. police state blow ass, yes. But acting like we’re some backward ass country in the shitter is missing some perspective.

    • stebo
      514 days ago

      and to earn a lot of money + bragging rights

      • @Sanctus@lemmy.world
        311 days ago

        No you are absolutely right. Cops should have just stormed the room at that point. But they knew he had a gun and they valued their lives more. A cop’s wife died while he fucken waited.

      • @Aceticon@lemmy.world
        1814 days ago

        They’re bullies.

        Both the cowardice in the face of actual risk to themselves and the senseless use of violence when they feel safe against those who can or won’t resist in a way that endagers them, are core bully traits.

    • Liz
      614 days ago

      College protesters really need to learn firearm safety and start open carrying rifles at their protests. But they all gotta do it. Can’t be one or two random people.

  • Stern
    6814 days ago

    Never forget that CA governor Ronald Reagan pushed for a law against folks exercising their second amendment rights to bear arms while patrolling and protecting their communities.

    Those folks? The Black Panthers.


    Both Republicans and Democrats in California supported increased gun control, as did the National Rifle Association of America.

  • Cops are gutless cowards who can only punch down on people who can’t fight back; as soon as they meet someone who poses even a slight threat they cower away.

    • @madcaesar@lemmy.world
      2014 days ago

      They are bullies. And bullies love punching down.

      Hollywood spread police propaganda for decades about cops and detectives that are heroes, when in reality the majority are out of shape bullies.

  • Anonymous
    3414 days ago

    I am basically afraid of getting on some kind of dissenter’s list by up voting this one.

  • @Empricorn@feddit.nl
    2114 days ago

    Yeah, they’re bullies. They want to beat/kill unarmed minorities and college students for “not respecting their authority” (exercising their constitutional rights), not actually uphold the law. Cowards…

    • @Krauerking@lemy.lol
      14 days ago

      I mean sure but then we are absolutely asking for a massacre and internal war.

      Guns only work if you are willing to use them. And once we are, we are saying we don’t find police presence valid and the state comes crashing down upon you to end your pitiful existence for posing an internal threat.

      We are a country with essentially a bad auto-immune disease that attacks whatever it deems as foreign.

      • @madcaesar@lemmy.world
        2214 days ago

        The red hat morons had guns at all their protests and they were allowed to protest as long as they wanted, since police didn’t want to escalate.

        Meanwhile peaceful, unarmed protesters get pounded into the ground


        • @Krauerking@lemy.lol
          614 days ago

          Most of them weren’t willing to use them and were left alone because the cops were in civilian clothes and busy… You know, doing something other than police work in the exact same area for some reason.

          And again what’s seen as foreign.
          Complaining about us stomping others by being a nuisance is against the people that just want us to shut up and get in line.
          Complaining that we aren’t stomping hard enough and not enough people is just constructive criticism.

          The current goal is to keep things exactly as they are or with more oppression as needed keep it static.

          The left can bring guns but it won’t change anything other than maybe slightly more likely to die by a cop’s hand unless they are willing to use them and once that starts it’s will be a lot tougher because we are on the side of change, which must be crushed by the current system.

          That’s how it is.

    • @Holzkohlen@feddit.de
      -613 days ago

      Says the guy sitting safely in front of his PC, never having been to a single protest. Sure buddy, you tell them.

  • @NJSpradlin@lemmy.world
    1414 days ago

    Don’t forget the officer that NDd… for some fucking reason… while clearing a college building of protestors. WTF he had his firearm out in a less lethal situation is beyond me.

    • @Agrivar@lemmy.world
      1114 days ago

      What is ‘NDd’ short for? I’m drawing a blank, and searching for anything on the internet is pointless these days…

      • @chiliedogg@lemmy.world
        1614 days ago

        “Negligent Discharge.”

        It’s used in the firearms community instead of anything with the word “accident” because there’s almost never a reason for a gun to fire unintentionally that doesn’t involve a serious fuckup by the user.

        Any ND that results in death or injury should also be treated as a felony. There are 4 basic rules to firearm safety that should be followed at all times. Any one of them should prevent injury, so you have to fuck up all 4 at once to hurt someone.

        1. Treat every gun as if it were loaded at all times.
        2. Keep your finger away from the trigger until ready to fire.
        3. Do not let the gun point at anything you’re not willing to kill or destroy
        4. Know your target and what’s beyond your target.

        The only true accidents I know of regarding a gun being fired unintentionally involve faulty weapons firing on their own (more likely to win the lottery), but even then they shouldn’t hurt anyone because it should be pointed in a safe direction.

      • I think it’s short for negligently discharged but it’s kind of stupid to shorten that. I can’t imagine what reason there is to not just write " negligently discharged".

        Frankly I think calling it a “negligent discharge” is giving the officer too much credit. The gun shouldn’t even have been unholstered. Guns are used to shoot not threaten. If he was pulling the gun out then he intended to fire it and if he pulled the gun out without intending to fire it then it wasn’t a negligent discharge it was an incompetent booger hooking by a pants shitting coward.

        • Liz
          614 days ago

          Negligent discharge is the term you use whenever someone shoots their gun when they didn’t intend to. It’s just common lingo to shorten it to ND or ND’d. It’s one of those terms that, at face value, doesn’t convey the seriousness of what you just did, but people who use the term regularly know just how bad it is.

  • @praetor@lemmy.sdf.org
    1214 days ago

    Not at all wrong. I hate to use this word because it denigrates our wonderful lady friends (both bio and of choice), but cops are pussies. Like the ultimate ones. “look at me! I’m a badass cop gonna violate your rights! Back the Blue!” Let’s see what my lawyer has to say about your “badassery”. I thought so, bitch. Here’s a coupon code for Dunkin. Go away.

    • @TIMMAY@lemmy.world
      1114 days ago

      You could have just said coward and then you wouldnt need to justify derogatory gender-oriented language

        • @praetor@lemmy.sdf.org
          -214 days ago

          Precisely. Someone understands cultural context of words.

          If you call a cop a “coward”, it means nothing. Because coward is a culturally dead word in an archaic sense. But if you call them a “pussy” then the meaning and cultural power behind the word changes. Medieval knights can be cowards. But cops are pussies.

          Also I’m less likely to take political correctness lessons from a dude whose handle is TIMMAY…the retarded kid from South Park. Also a culturally dense word.

          • @TIMMAY@lemmy.world
            314 days ago

            He isn’t “retarded”, he is physically disabled. He regularly represents the voice of reason on the show. If your use of “pussy” is not charged, why did you have to defend it in the same sentence?

            • @yokonzo@lemmy.world
              -114 days ago

              Pussy comes from the word pusillanimous, which means coward, you’re the one making the connections here

              • @TIMMAY@lemmy.world
                314 days ago

                They literally said that they prefer not to use the word due to the perceived denegration of women, so I dont cosider your point valid.

            • @praetor@lemmy.sdf.org
              -214 days ago

              Uhh, do you think the show’s creators meant to show him as “physically disabled” or retarded? What was the cultural intent on that? Again, don’t play the culture war games with people who have zero cultural understanding. PC Principle is also a pussy. There ya go. Have fun in microagression and cancel culture land or whatever Marxists are calling it these days while feeling good for stomping on free speech while claiming to be about “free speech”

              • @tjsauce@lemmy.world
                213 days ago

                It’s good that you can read into South Park and understand it’s intentions, but being an asshole about it discourages people from engaging with your worldview and only furthers the divide you sought to repair.

                • @praetor@lemmy.sdf.org
                  013 days ago

                  IDK. Consider PC Principal for a second. He’s a Marxist bro who idealizes every left-wing stereotype, who runs an educational instutition forcing politically correct language on children. You tell me what the intentions are, since you are so “woke”. Political Correctness is cultural denialism and self-imposed censorship, instead of productive dialog concerning social issues. Since you like South Park, here…there are two people in this picture and they are exactly the same.

  • @Agent641@lemmy.world
    14 days ago

    The solution is clear, protesters and school shooters need to put aside their differences and team up.