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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 18th, 2023

  • EatATaco@lemm.eetoA Boring Dystopia@lemmy.worldEverything old is new again.
    5 hours ago

    The big difference here is that I know the cost. Getting into a cab it was always kind of blind, and a cab driver definitely tried to screw me one time by driving in circles (we were very drunk, and I noticed at some point we hadn’t made it very far, so I started paying attention and it was clear pretty quickly that he had circled back almost to where he had picked us up).

    Also when I lived out in Queens, cabs rarely came out there. I had to hike all the way to Queens Blvd to have a chance, and even then they would barely stop at night. Would often get told to “get out” when asking for them to take me back to Queens. I’ve even been able to get a Uber out almost out in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night.

    Lyft/Uber definitely has their problems, but cabs weren’t some shining beacon on the hill.

  • The problem right now is one of supply and demand, not because corporations are buying up too many properties. It’s the other way around where corporations are buying up properties, because due to not increasing supply, and demand continue rising, it’s a good investment.

    We need more high density housing all over the place. I live in a nice little town right outside a large US city. We have a train right into the city, and a nice little downtown area that could certainly use more business. They have been trying to put up apartment buildings, but the NIMBY-ism is through the roof. It’s like every little attempt to add more housing, people start whining to high heavens how it is killing our “small town” feel. I mean, I get it, I moved here for a reason, but something has got to give.

    I can only imagine what’s happening in more rural areas where everyone wants their big lots and single homes.

    So I don’t really oppose increasing taxes per home, but I don’t think it’s really going to solve the issue of increasing home prices as that’s not the root of the issue.

  • Does he have book smarts? No, but this guy has a genius level ability to promote himself. He’s increased his inherited fortune by billions by selling himself (even if he could have don’t better just by putting his money in index funds). His worth is all in his brand.

    Even for those of us who see through his lies, you still can’t stop fucking talking about him. People are always fucking talking about him, all the time.

    He has gotten half of one of the largest countries in the world to blindly support him.

    It makes me cringe to say it, and he is a terrible, terrible person, but to argue this guy isn’t a genius is to ignore reality.

  • How do you deal with the constant spam of “suggested for you” in your feed? Like you, I have a few reasons I stay on Facebook, but man it’s gotten to be such garbage that when I open it up it’s ad, suggested for you, ad, suggested for you, ad, ad. It’s frustrating because all I want to do is see what some friends are up to or check/post to the buy nothing group around me, and I have to deal with like 5 “best comic funny of the day! 😂😂😂” Posts within the first 10.

  • You’re confusing my lack of a double standard with fence sitting.

    One person being bigoted and close minded doesn’t preclude other people from also being bigoted and close minded.

    I could be a racist piece of shit and drop the n word. If a black person then turns around and calls all white people racist pieces of shit, we’re both bigots.

    I’m not tolerating bigotry, I’m calling it all out. It’s you, right here, that’s defending bigotry. Not me.

  • First, let me point out how interesting it is that I was clearly responding to your title, but instead you are trying to defend the words that Reich used in the tweet.

    But anyway, your title says “no corporate news story.” That literally means no mention whatsoever, but I would fairly interpret that as meaning that it’s buried or there little to no mention of it. Which is untrue, I mainly consume “corporate media” for, as biased as they are, they are still hundreds of times less biased and more reliable than other news “sources” I’ve come across. And these are all things I’ve know about from my typical news consumption (with the exception of OT expansion, this is the first I’ve heard of that). So I disagree with your “no corporate news” claim. I think it’s actually patently false.

    What Reich here means is that they aren’t the main news stories of the day. None of these single things is ever going to be, on it’s own, the biggest news of the day. But it’s the constant little steps that are good. And it’s not like these are being hidden, it’s just that none of them are going to be as popular as the main news stories of the day so they aren’t getting the same traction.