If you’re interested in assisting moderation of any of the communities I moderate/own shoot me a message.

  • 52 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Received reports for the source-- as usual, these are evaluated on a case-by-case basis as FoxNews is not currently “blacklisted”, it’s just “not-preferred”. After comparing this article to the one in the comments, they contain basically the same information and the conclusion is this particular post will be allowed to stay up. Many of the other links from Fox News have been taken down, not entirely because of the outlet, but because the content of the article went off the rails and did not match what other outlets had reported. If you have any discrepancies feel free to comment or tag me.

    We respect that users may not want to click on links leading to Fox News, so as always we do encourage people to continue to post links to other outlets in the comments if you disagree with the source of any post (as ZephyrXero did here).

  • Hurts@lemmy.worldMtoPC Master Race@lemmy.worldResults of the PCMR Name Change Survey
    10 months ago

    Antik is one of the admins of lemmy.world. He holds administrative authority over the entire forum rather than being specifically involved as a moderator here. He could have removed the comment himself, but he chose to request you change it instead (which I would have also done, had he not already handled it).

    As a moderator of this community, I’d like to express our shared sentiment. The use of the term “retard” as an insult is something we discourage. Its appropriateness in language has evolved over time, and it’s increasingly considered inappropriate due to its derogatory associations, regardless of its original meaning. Language is subject to change, and words that were once commonplace are regularly perceived as offensive now. Regardless of personal views on the word, if the admins have deemed it unsuitable for use on this platform, it’s something that we will also enforce.

    There is an abundance of other words that effectively convey your message.