• 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Even when i chance coffee type often and also use caffeine free coffee it almost always works if I use weight. But yes if you always just use the same coffee and grind setting then of course it’ll work. I just find that even 1-2g over and it’ll clog the brewer and it’ll start sputtering before it is half way though

  • TDCN@feddit.dktoCoffee@lemmy.worldMy newest addition
    13 days ago

    I’ll just leave my usual copy pasta here that i hope will be a helpful guide. This is what I do for getting the best coffee out of a mocha pot.

    This method gives me perfect coffee every time, but your milage may vary so don’t be afraid to experiment.

    Grind to filter coffe size or maybe a bit finer. Don’t go to espresso level or it’ll just clog the brewer and burn the coffee. It is generally not super sensitive to grind size so don’t worry too much. If in doubt go corser.

    Always, always weigh the coffe! I found that they are actually quite sensitive to the amount of coffe you put in. Ever since a started weighing the beans I’ve never had any issues with it. If you cannot get a nice consistent flow through the entire brew and it begins to sputter too early you most likely filled it too much. So rather than fiddle with the grind size, you should instead fill it a little less next time. This is why you must weigh the beans. I use 12-13g for the 2 cup, and 28-30g for the 6 cup version. If I go outside that range it won’t brew nicely. It’s that sensitive! Grind size does very little to change this

    Use hot water. This first of speed up the brew but also makes it easier to control the pressure inside. So pour hot/freshly boiled water in, assemble, and put on a low to medium heat with the lid open so you can see when the coffee comes. When the coffee starts to come through turn it down to low low heat to get a nice, slow and consistent flow. For the 2 cup version it’s about 15-30 seconds and for the big 6 cup version i think it’s about 40-90 seconds. I can’t remember exactly so don’t worry too much as long as it’s consistent and nice and slow. No sputter until the very end when its done and you take it off the heat at the first sign of sputter.

    Pour the coffee immediately. Otherwise it’ll slowly burn and turn bitter in the hot brewer. If you want to share the portion stir it a bit first since its much stronger at the bottom.

    With this method i always get amazing coffee out of this little machine and i low it so much.

    I usually drink it with plenty of milk. I just heat it with the Bialetti electric milk foamer, but a little pot and a whisk would give the same delicious foam. Don’t heat the milk too much. It should only be around 65 degrees or something like that or it changes the taste. For UHT treated milk i guess this doesn’t matter.

    I hope this was helpful. So enjoy your coffee.

    Additional debugging steps:

    If you use a blade grinder: This is totally okay to do, and I’ve used one for years when I was a student and it worked just fine as well. You can grind pretty fine with that for the mokka pot. It’s difficult to go too fine, but again, if on doubt go corser. Much more importantly is to avoid clumps. Blade grinders tends to make clumps so try to stir them out a bit with a needle/scewer or a very thin fork.

    Clumps causes channeling and easily makes it sputter and all the water goes through too fast since it cannot build the pressure needed to make a consistent flow.

    Clogging causes it to go really slow and sputter almost immediately and it seems like not all the water wants to go through. This is because it builds up too much heat and pressure so when the coffee passed through the coffee it’s above 100C° so it instantly boils when it reaches the other side and gives a very harsh amd unpleasant taste.

    And finally finally,FOR THE LOVE OF GOD CLEAN YOU MOKKA POT WITH SOAP! Don’t be fooled by what others are saying. It’s not building up “flavour” it is literally old and rancid coffee “flavours” you are building up. So please please clean you pot with soap and a soft sponge every single time.

  • Every. God. Damn. Time… And then I realise that I understand nothing and I jump up about a third and read again and still understand nothing so I read from the beginning and then realise that the text is not interesting anymore so I skip reading any of it only to come back an hour later after frantically searching for other articles on the same topic only to realise that the answers were just right there all along if only i had read it properly the first time round.

  • I got diagnosed last Christmas and started treatment as part of the diagnosis and the changes the medicine did to me are night and day. I started on 20mg Ritalin Uno (methylphenidate modified release). Now I’m on 20mg morning +10mg afternoon.

    I still fidget with things constantly about just as much as before but as an engineer this is also how I see the world and do my job the best so I’m happy in a way that it didn’t stop completely. The biggest change for me is all the noise in my head have been tuned down so much that I can actually think straight and focus on stuff. Before I felt like a constant blast of 10 radios playing at the same time in my mind all with different topics, tones, music, conversations, anxiety, traumas, hobbies, work etc. Now it’s almost gone and I can see and hear clearly what I actually feel and tune into just one at a time. My general mood and mental health has improved significantly since I’m more calm and confident and can take much better decisions and act upon them. I feel like i improved 5 fold on my work and still have a little energy and mental capacity left for myself when i come home.

    The best thing is that I now have better abilities to protect, understand and accept myself and my own behaviour. I now have the ability to actually take actions to improve. As an example I used to get stuck on YouTube shots for hours and hours but actually took the action the other day to protect myself and it is now blocked on my phone so I simply just can’t go there anymore. I also stopped many other small dumb routines and finding a way to get out of them and stay focused on what I actually want to be doing.

    Remaining symptoms is probably hyper focusing (like writing this post way too long compared to what it needs to be) but I’m better at steering the focus now. It’s also stil completely Impossible for me to remember names, dates and future plans unless written down and checked multiple times. Also still going to bed waaay to late because brain is racing in the evening sometimes if the medicine wears off early. Depression is also still lurking around in the background, threatening to show itself but I’m getting better and better everyday as I’m slowly finding my new self.

    Eddit. Forgot to mention that I also tried concerta 36mg but it absolutely did not work for me even though its supposed to be tye same. I got drowsy, had sleep issues with insomnia. Felt dizzy at random times during the day making it dangerous to drive. Got extremely tired when I got home and fell asleep on the couch because of dopamine crash just to be absolutely unable to sleep at night regardles of what I did. Ritalin is releasing much more precise for me and doesn’t linger around for too long to cause sleep issues. I sleep sooo much better than i have ever done when I’m on Ritalin.