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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I think it’s also true to say shitty people have more time on their hands and put more time into things like hating on others because it makes them feel better about themselves and whatever bad situation they’re in that they feel powerless to change. That can cross generations, personality types, political spectrum and anything else.

    Big subreddits haven’t been a good place for conversation for years. Within an hour or less any popular thread has thousands of comments, anything you might write and add to it will be so far down the list, it’ll never be seen. The reddit hive mind is very rigid in it’s thinking and yes can be quite toxic sometimes.

    I’ve only used reddit as a news aggregator and meme scroller for a long time now. Occasionally I’ll pop over to a specific subreddit and maybe get a few words in but it’s rare, I can easily do the same here too so I plan to give the fediverse a solid chance for the next few months.

  • Nah, I think you’re way overblowing this. Starfield is going to be a success, it’ll be the least buggy release they’ve ever had and people will love it. Monetization? Sure. 30fps? Yeah that’s standard for consoles. It’s not going to be a perfect game, it’s just going to be a damn good one. Enjoy it in the sea of mediocrity we have right now