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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • There won’t be international court based response to Hamas leadership, it is very naive to think otherwise. Just look at Israel’s northern border and UN SC resolution 1701.

    I don’t agree with anything Netanyaho did for the past 15 years, not that I can think of the top of my head. However, I understand Israel’s brutal response to the attack. I don’t WANT it, but I understand it.

    What I do want ? I want Gazans raising up against Hamas. I want Israelis going back to their weekly demonstrations till Netanyaho’s government will fall. Then I want Israelis to wake the fuck up and kick the settlers out from the West Bank, decide on final boards and stay there. Treating any Israeli that tries to settle on some hilltop in the West Bank as a terrorist. And when Israel leaves the West Bank they need to hand over the keys to the Palestinians, cus when they left Gaza they demolished what they built.

    After that each group can live it own life, leaving the other one the fuck alone. The peaceful ones will create trade and friendship.

    Maybe something crazier happens like Israeli and Palestinians trade land so Gaza and the West Bank will be on continued land, don’t know.

    But religous nut jobs and sociopaths from both camps need to be kicked the fuck out of power.

    That the wishful thinking, I however think that Hezbollah will not go back from the boarder, war will happen, Israel will have to split the fire power between two fronts. Meaning that it will be less accurate and much, much more civilians will get hurt. After that bloody war crazy Christian Evengalists will use their money to rebuild Israel as a crazier, more violent version that they wish for.

  • This war is lead by religious nutjobs.

    Hamas heads enjoy vast wealth, but the foot soldiers are all religious as fuck.

    On the Israeli side, the settlers in the West Bank are lead by religion. They want to conquere the whole area promised by God. They also want to demolish Israel (the state) and live under religious law of the Halacha. They can live much more comfortable life within the green baorder, so it’s not about real estate. They are sponsored by Evangelical Christian from the USA that hope they will bring Gog and Magog.

    Israel, Gaza and the West Bank are all agriculturally productive, but also not productive enough to sustain their population, they all depend on imports. Moreover, the region depends on water desilation.