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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: January 11th, 2024


  • pjwestin@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlMath
    7 days ago

    I’m American, I definitely learned this stuff in 7th or 8th grade. Granted, I didn’t use it past high school, and I forgot it before I finished college, but that’s definitely when I learned it.

  • Let’s fix your fixing of my analogy. Imagine the two restaurants you mentioned exist. Now imagine thinking the people who don’t go out to eat are entitled.

    And yeah, I know you’re going to tell me that elections have consequences for everyone, whether they vote or not, but most people who don’t vote don’t see it that way. Sure, a small percentage of them are withholding their vote as a protest, but most of them are working class people that are barely getting by. They’re not going waste what little free time they have voting for a candidate if they don’t think it will help them. So stop trying to shame them into voting and give them something to vote for.

  • This post is citing data from 2016? So it’s referencing something that didn’t happen. Also, Bush beat Gore by 537 votes. Sure, if Nader hadn’t run Gore would have won, but you could just as easily blame the loss on the Florida GOP, “accidently,” purging thousands of legitimate voters by, “mistaking,” them for felons, or on the Butterfly Ballot that caused an untold number of voters to select the wrong candidate. I guess my goal here lol is to point out when people are blaming their preferred candidate’s loss on a mostly statistically insignificant portion of voters, and if you don’t like hearing what other people have to say you don’t have to post yknow.

  • pjwestin@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldNot Likeable
    8 days ago

    You’re right, it’s not a good analogy. In this country, voting is not mandatory, election day isn’t a holiday, and in many states, mail-in voting is not available and polling locations are sparse. Voting is a hardship for many Americans, especially lower income Americans. This isn’t like asking someone to go to a restaurant; going to a restaurant is easier and has more tangible benefits.

    However, my core point is the same. The most basic function of a political party is to get votes and win elections. If the party can’t do that, the failure lies with the party, not the voters.

  • pjwestin@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldNot Likeable
    8 days ago

    This is a truly terrible take. If I run a restaurant, and it goes out of business, I don’t get to blame my customers. If I ever want to run a successful restaurant, I have to look at my product, marketing, and service and figure out where I failed. If Biden loses, then the Dems need to look at where they failed; I’d start with the fact that they chose not to hold a primary when the majority of their own party didn’t want Biden to be the candidate.

  • Dude what a politicians does NOW matters

    Do you understand how insanely incoherent what you’re saying is? You’re saying that my mistake in voting for Obama was that I listened to what he said instead of paying attention to what he did. But I should only pay attention to what a politician doing NOW, not what they’ve done in the past. So I shouldn’t just listen to what they say they’ll do in the future, but I can’t judge them based on what they’ve done in the past…so how am I supposed to pick a candidate? Use psychic powers to know what they’re going to do in the future!!!

    Like, I could keep arguing about Biden; you’re ignoring 20 additional years of racist legislation I brought up, and I didn’t even get to his support for the Iraq War…but I don’t even care about that. Explain how the hell your philosophy of ignoring what a candidate says and watching what they do while ignoring what they’ve done makes any kind of sense.

  • It really is astonishing how bad her political instincts are. A large majority of her party disapproves of what Israel is doing to Gaza, but she chooses now to call the protesters ignorant? A group of young progressives Biden will probably need in order to win? Who is this for?

    Honestly, I’m not even mad about the stupid shit she says anymore, I’m fascinated. Does she know she’s politically irrelevant going forward, so she’s just on some sort of bitter, scorched-Earth tirade? Is the party encouraging her to say crap like this as some sort of testing ground for unpopular messaging? Or does she really just this detached from public opinion?