• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Conveniently, Israel treats all Palestinians as if they were Hamas militants (who themselves are a resistance group resisting modern settler colonialism). Hamas is a convenient reason for them to ethnically cleanse a whole people. How is that difficult to see as the wrong side?

    You can’t just handwave Israel committing atrocity after atrocity after (but especially prior to) October 7th. It isn’t that difficult to see which side is the wrong side for anyone with a couple brain cells and a functioning moral compass. Colonialism was terrible in the past and it is terrible in the present. Genocide and apartheid are bad for anyone who are not racists. Pretty easy line there.

    edit: also the person I responded to poorly defends Israel in every thread and regularly uses bad faith argumentative tactics to spin out more propaganda. That is partially why I felt the need to respond.

  • Sorry, but both sides of the coin are the same. The military industrial complex has been abusing its power over the world for far too long. It is a cancer and it is terminal.

    “The only democracy in the middle east” is a piece of shit and just as rotten as the military industrial complex. AIPAC is basically the military industrial complex using Israel to further its needs. It is not good for the Israeli citizens, Americans, or the Palestinians. It is also damaging to Jewish people worldwide because Israel is hiding behind fake antisemitism claims to shut down people speaking against their atrocities. Pretty obvious how that will be damaging in the long run.

    Look at the UN findings on your dearly beloved. The “most morale army” practices systemic sexual abuse. And what do you know, ethnic cleansing?! It’s a bunch of Europeans/Americans cosplaying as middle eastern so they can do nazi shit.

    I don’t expect you to comment on what is important because you routinely avoid topics you can’t twist to spin more propaganda out of. You need some flair that reads “Izzy shill” or “Fed” so people know what kind of person they are engaging with.

  • Throwing gasoline at a fire is not going to put it out.

    The US and NATO recently authorized Ukraine to use Nato controlled weapons offensively. That is a global escalation that involves Nato member states for coordination. If you don’t think the escalation is growing then you aren’t actually paying attention.

    There has been peace talks but there has been western pressure to decline the deals. The US doesn’t give a shit about what happens to Ukraine. Come on, they don’t even care about us (americans), their own citizens. Ukraine has been proxy to the US for a while and the US will use whatever proxy they have to do battle with Russia no matter the collateral damage.

    There is a lot of propaganda on both sides of this conflict but everyone on lemmy and reddit gobble up the western propaganda without a doubt. Let’s put away the military boners and try for some actual fucking diplomacy.

  • lol you are always jumping to the extreme whenever I criticize the US even a little.

    I didn’t “defend a dictatorship”, I correctly pointed out that the pandemic was handled terribly in the states, especially from the president, so it was a dumb thing to use as a metric for how a leader is doing. Trump was a fucking joke. He created a terrible situation and reaffirmed the antivaxxers. He was basically telling people to take crazy doses of ivermectin instead and implying it was all “fake news”. Maybe you don’t understand the entirety of that since you said yourself you “aren’t a US citizen” but for some reason you are always reaffirming our propaganda.

    In regards to numbers, should we just believe state sponsored media or confirmed CIA startups like Radio Free Asia instead? They are usually listed as a source for these kinds of things despite the fact that their sole purpose for being created was to combat the spread of socialism.

    The US is just a beacon of truth that would never lie about a socialist country or attempt to manufacture consent. /s