I am curious - has anyone tried out these color e-ink Android tablets with some popular drawing/painting apps?

I have a reMarkable 2, which is decent for quick black & white sketching - but I really want a color e-ink tablet one day, and I want to make sure that color drawing and sketching works well with them.

  • ebike_enjoyer
    1 year ago

    Boox is not the best company as far as longevity of products (software updates) and their disregard for following open source licensing, as others have mentioned here.

    That said, I recently bought this exact tablet. The software on it is functionally great, and the colors, while muted, seem great for comics, and art/drawings, but not photos. Videos are completely out, though it’s neat to kind of see how it would work on e ink. For me, I’m using it to read longer posts from my rss feed and for books. I’m also planning to try testing using it as a second display for my laptop, so I have something to look at with less eye strain. Eye strain from my phone/laptop was a big pull for me getting an e ink device with android vs something like the remarkable or even a kindle. Maybe I’ll get into manga or comics too. Unless you have a need for color, if you already have a good e ink device, I’m not sure I’d recommend it. Really hope a solid competitor arrives in this space soon, though, or alternatively if Boox would just open source their software.