• poVoqA
    31 year ago

    Did you read the article? This is a purely bureaucratic process because the previous right-wing federal government forbid any sort of borrowing unless it is an “emergency”.

    Sound economic policies say that the state should borrow money during economic down-turns to finance shortfalls and that is exactly what they are doing now.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
      81 year ago

      The underlying problem that is causing the economic down here is lack of cheap energy. Printing money isn’t going to fix that.

      German economy is largely structured around manufacturing currently. And what you refer to as outdated industries employs large numbers of people. Under current capitalist system, the economic downturn translates into severe economic hardship for people these industries employ.

      If the right is going to monopolize discourse about this problem that’s where people will flock to. Bloviating on how these industries aren’t needed and Germany will be better off without them doesn’t help people pay the bills.

      • poVoqA
        1 year ago

        If the right is going to monopolize discourse about this problem that’s where people will flock to. Bloviating on how these industries aren’t needed and Germany will be better off without them doesn’t help people pay the bills.

        Fear-mongering is the turf of the extreme-right. The left in Germany (Die Linke party) has been trying exactly what you propose for years and it isn’t working. People keep voting for the right as they are better at fear-mongering and claiming everything is a zero-sum game.

        It is better to accept that these outmoded industries are going the way of the dodo and work on better alternatives to make sure the people left unemployed by this long overdue structural change are not left standing in the rain.

        • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
          61 year ago

          Calling the fact that people are losing jobs and can’t heat their homes fear mongering is precisely what makes people on the left look like clowns. People see their material conditions deteriorate and they listen to people who talk about their problems.

          It is better to accept that these outmoded industries are going the way of the dodo and work on better alternatives to make sure the people left unemployed by this long overdue structural change are not left standing in the rain.

          What exactly are these alternatives, I’ve seen none proposed. All I see is hand waving and dismissing the problems as fear mongering.

          • Amicese
            51 year ago

            Calling the fact that people are losing jobs and can’t heat their homes fear mongering is precisely what makes people on the left look like clowns.

            or whatever the hell “left” means these days.

              • Amicese
                31 year ago

                What’s more bizarre is that some “marxists” think we can collaborate with these guys.

                • “Unity is a great thing and a great slogan. But what the workers’ cause needs is the unity of Marxists, not unity between Marxists, and opponents and distorters of Marxism.”

                  ― Vladimir Lenin

          • poVoqA
            31 year ago

            You are aware that you are just repeating the right-wing neo-liberal TINA paradigm?

            What level of cognitive dissonance can one have to spout such non-sense and the same time claim to be a “communist”?

            • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
              71 year ago

              Imagine not being able to comprehend the concept of material conditions. I guess that’s what it takes to be an anarchist.

              • Amicese
                1 year ago

                They believe in solar-punk, so it shouldn’t have been surprising to see that lmao.